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Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

About FERC Offices Office of Administrative Law Judges and Dispute Resolution (OALJDR)

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Office of Administrative Law Judges and Dispute Resolution (OALJDR)

Settlement Judge Options Listed in Order of Availability Available Settlement Judges

What We Do

  • FERC Administrative Law Judges (ALJs) resolve contested cases as directed by the Commission, either by serving as a Presiding Judge, conducting a hearing, developing a record, rendering an initial decision, or by serving as a Settlement Judge and facilitating a negotiated resolution by settlement.
  • ALJs perform various other Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) procedures as directed by the Commission, including mediation, arbitration, and facilitation.
  • Dispute Resolution Service neutrals assist parties in the voluntary resolution of their energy disputes - prior to or after a complaint is filed with the Commission; educate and train audiences on ADR techniques and skills to prevent, manage and resolve conflict; and promote the systematic application of ADR tools to prevent and reduce energy litigation. The Dispute Resolution Service is part of OALJDR. Learn more about Dispute Resolution Service.

OALJDR Organization Chart
(Note: Click for larger image)

    Office of Administrative Law Judges Organization Chart