Mandatory Disclosures

FY2017 Conference Spending Statement

On May 11, 2012, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued Memorandum-12-12 "Promoting Efficient Spending to Support Agency Operations" (M-12-12). OMB directed agencies to initiate senior level approval of all conference expenses in excess of $100,000; prohibit expenses in excess of $500,000 on a single conference; and report publicly on all conference expenses in excess of $100,000. The memo requests agencies exercise good judgment and discretion to minimize conference expenses. VA OIG has implemented a process for conference review, approval, and reporting to ensure that appropriated funds are spent properly relative to our essential mission. This has been accomplished through efforts aimed at minimizing conference costs, maximizing the use of Government-owned or Government-provided conference facilities, and identifying specific conference locations, facilities, or time periods associated with reduced fees. VA OIG also continues to use teleconferences and videoconferences, when possible, to support training needs and mission requirements.

For FY 2017, VA OIG reports:

  • Conferences in excess of $500,000 – 0
  • Conferences in excess of $100,000 but less than $500,000 – 0

Peer Reviews

The Veterans Affairs Office of Inspector General (VA OIG) maintains a quality assurance program to ensure that work performed adheres to established professional standards, VA OIG policies and procedures, and is carried out economically, efficiently, and effectively. Also, in accordance with the IG Act and other professional standards, VA OIG's functions are subject to external peer reviews. These peer reviews provide an additional external level of assurance of VA OIG's adherence to prescribed standards, regulations, and legislation through a formal objective assessment of its operations.

The Council of Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE) prescribes the methodology for performing peer reviews of the various OIG functions. Below are the latest external peer reviews of VA OIG's Audit, Inspection, and Evaluation functions.