Office of Research & Development

Million Veteran Program (MVP)

MVP is a national, voluntary research program funded entirely by the Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Research & Development. The goal of MVP is to partner with Veterans receiving their care in the VA Healthcare System to study how genes affect health. To do this, MVP will build one of the world's largest medical databases by safely collecting blood samples and health information from one million Veteran volunteers. Data collected from MVP will be stored in a secure manner and will be coded for researchers so that they cannot directly identify you. Researchers will study diseases like diabetes and cancer, and military-related illnesses, such as post-traumatic stress disorder. Learn more.

Frequently Asked Questions

View all FAQ

Contact MVP

For enrollment information call toll-free at: 866-441-6075.

Send us an email at

ATTENTION VETERANS: Please DO NOT include your SSN or other private information in your email correspondence.

Sign up for MVP Updates

Why Veterans Are Joining MVP...

thumbnail"I have always known someone in the family with Diabetes or Hypertension. I eagerly volunteered to participate in MVP so I can help medical researchers better understand how genes influence diseases. One blood draw is all it took...yet the potential to contribute to scientific discoveries is enormous!"

Priscilla Bryant
U.S. Army
1974 - 1994
VA Palo Alto Health Care System

thumbnail"I enrolled in The MVP because I thought it would help Veterans get even better healthcare in the future!"

Gennaro F. Carbone
U.S. Marine Corps
Gulf War Era
VA Connecticut Healthcare System

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Enrolling Clinics

MVP Clinics » View the full list

MVP Insider

MVP Insider:A Newsletter for Million Veteran Program Participants

MVP Insider: A Newsletter for Million Veteran Program Participants
- Read the latest issue
- All issues

Informed Consent

Watch: MVP Informed Consent Video (10:52)

Review: MVP Informed Consent Form

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Any health information on this website is strictly for informational purposes and is not intended as medical advice. It should not be used to diagnose or treat any condition.