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Business and Operations and Advisory Committee (BOAC)


The Advisory Committee for Business and Operations of the National Science Foundation (NSF) provides advice to the Head, Office of Budget, Finance, and Award Management (BFA) and to the Head, Office of Information and Resource Management (OIRM) of NSF. Their work focuses on issues related to oversight, integrity, development, and enhancement for improved performance of the Foundation's business operations. The Committee strives to provide advice that is relevant, objective, and timely. Its meetings are, in accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), open to the public.

Business operations are critical in assuring that the agency effectively implements its science, technology, engineering and education mission. Emphasis is placed on how NSF can most effectively meet its strategic goals and other statutory accountability requirements related to its business operations, including financial and administrative operations, award management, business policies and procedures, human resource development and information and communications systems.

The Committee not only advises on current best practices, but also looks to the future regarding advances on the frontiers of management issues. Specialized guidance is addressed through the use of subcommittees and task groups within the structure of the Advisory Committee.

For more information regarding Committee activities, please contact Committee liaisons:

Charisse Carney-Nunes
Office of Budget, Finance and Award Management

Maria Koszalka
Office of Budget, Finance and Award Management

Jeff Rich
Office of Information and Resource Management


Committee members shall be diverse. Members are drawn from various relevant occupational and industry group including the public sector where appropriate. Committee memberships shall be fairly balanced in terms of the points of view represented and the functions to be performed.

The Committee members are selected jointly by the Heads of BFA and OIRM and serve for a term of three years. Terms may be renewed at the discretion of the Heads of BFA and OIRM.



Fall 2018 Meeting: December 12-13, 2018 (Wednesday-Thursday)

View all Advisory Committees


All Prior Meeting Documentation is available on the Meeting Documentation page.