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Survey Questionnaires

Questionnaires for Students, Teachers, and School Administrators

The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) survey questionnaires are voluntarily completed by students, teachers, and school administrators who participate in a NAEP assessment. Survey questionnaires collect additional information about students' demographics and educational experiences. Responses to the questionnaires provide important information for educators, policymakers, and researchers to better understand the context in which students learn, and, in turn, can help improve education in our nation's classrooms.

  • NAEP Survey Questionnaires are administered as part of the NAEP assessment and collect contextual information about students' opportunities to learn in and out of the classroom.
  • Who Takes NAEP Survey Questionnaires?
  • Students. How often do you use the Internet for homework at home? A. Never B. About once a month C. About once a week D. Almost every day E. Every day.
  • Teachers. How many years have you worked as an elementary or secondary teacher? A. Less than 1 year B. 1-2 years C. 3-5 years D. 6-10 years. E. 11-20 years F. 21 or more years.
  • Principals. Does your school offer online mathematics courses for credit? A. Yes B. No.

Types of Questionnaires

As part of most NAEP assessments, three types of survey questionnaires are used to collect information:

  • Student questionnaires collect information on students' demographic characteristics, opportunities to learn in and outside of the classroom, and educational experiences. They are completed by students who participate in the assessment.
  • Teacher questionnaires gather information on teacher training and instructional practices (completed by the teachers responsible for the subjects being assessed).
  • School questionnaires gather information on school policies and characteristics (completed by the principal or assistant principal). To ensure that necessary accommodations are provided, schools also provide information about students with disabilities (SD) or English language learners (ELL).

Explore Survey Questionnaires

Survey questionnaires are available in PDF format from years 2003-2019.

Student Questionnaires
Teacher Questionnaires
School Questionnaires

Students with Disabilities/English Language Learners (SD/ELL) Questionnaires
National Indian Education Questionnaires
Long-Term Trend Student Questionnaires

Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question about NAEP Survey Questionnaires? See the questions most frequently submitted or download a PDF for printing.

What are NAEP survey questionnaires?
What kinds of questions and topics do NAEP survey questionnaires include?
How does NAEP decide which questions to ask in the survey questionnaires?
How much time will students spend completing NAEP survey questionnaires?
Do students have to complete NAEP survey questionnaires?
Can students skip questions that they do not want to answer?
How will students’ responses on NAEP survey questionnaires be reported?
How does NAEP ensure the privacy and anonymity of students, teachers, and school respondents?
How do students’, their teachers’, and school administrators’ responses to NAEP survey questionnaires contribute to improving education in the United States?
Why does NAEP ask students about their race and ethnicity?
Why does NAEP ask students questions about how far in school their parents went, whether their parents are working, and their home (e.g., ZIP code, who lives in the home, whether there is a computer or a dishwasher in the home)?

Last updated 05 December 2018 (RH)