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  • Fatality Inspection Data

Photo credit: U.S. Department of Labor

This page provides data on work-related fatalities that occurred under Federal OSHA and State Plan jurisdiction for cases that have been closed or citations issued on or after January 1, 2017.
Employers must report worker fatalities to OSHA within eight hours. OSHA investigates all work-related fatalities in all covered workplaces. The agency has up to six months to complete an investigation and determine whether citations will be issued.
The table below can be modified or searched by inserting additional information in the boxes above each column.

Reports of fatalities for CY17-18.

(The information is not comprehensive. We continue to update it as data becomes available).

Fatality summaries are listed in descending order from newest to oldest.

Date of Incident City Select State Hazard Description Inspection Number Federal or State Plan Citation Issued Related to Fatality

Fatalities and Catastrophes Report Archives (FY09 through FY17)

Weekly summaries of fatalities and catastrophes reported in FY09 through FY17 are available on the Fatalities and Catastrophes Archive page.

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