Due to a lapse in federal funding, this USDA website will not be actively updated. Once funding has been reestablished, online operations will continue.

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Ag Data Commons has been selected for inclusion in Clarivate Analytics' Data Citation Index on the Web of Science platform.

Ag Data Commons is assisting in the initiative to get USDA Agricultural Research Service scientists registered for ORCID IDs — consistent identifiers for scientists, researchers, and authors — and to have those ORCIDs connected to ARS.

Join us for our next webinar on Tuesday, September 25 @ 1:00 PM -2:00 PM EDT and learn more about GeoData, NAL's geospatial data catalog. Read further for details on what will be covered and how to join.

Join us for our next webinar on Tuesday, August 21 @ 1:00 PM -2:00 PM EDT and learn more about Data-Literature Linking in the Ag Data Commons. Read further for details on what will be covered and how to join.

Join us for our next webinar on Tuesday, July 24 @ 1:00 PM -2:00 PM EDT and learn more about the basics about submitting data to the Ag Data Commons. Read further for details on what will be covered and how to join.