AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP)

ADAP is a state administered program that provides HIV/AIDS medications to low-income individuals living with HIV disease who have little or no coverage from private or third party insurance. 

ADAP covers FDA approved drugs to treat HIV infection and HIV-related opportunistic infections. There are currently 74 medications on the GA ADAP Formulary, including seven (7) medications for Hepatitis C treatment.

Georgia ADAP services are available to all eligible residents of Georgia.  There are 27 enrollment sites located throughout the state, inclusive of four (4) approved sites located in metro Atlanta.

Individuals wishing to enroll into Ryan White Part B services, including ADAP, must fulfill all eligibility criteria. All information provided for determining program eligibility will be kept completely confidential.

Basic eligibility requirements for the ADAP include:

  • A positive HIV status
  • Proof of Georgia residency
  • Income at or below 400% FPL

To find out if you may be eligible for the program please visit:

If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to call the Georgia ADAP/HICP Program Manager, Satin Francis, at 404-463-0416 or email at

Related Documents
Ryan White Required Documents Checklist (June 2016)
Georgia ADAP Formulary (June 2016)
RW Statement of Support
RW Support and Residency Verification Letter
Prior Approval Medication Form





Page Last Updated 06/01/17