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CATAPULT: New Model to Improve Diagnosis and Care for Chronic Conditions

In 2016, CDPS launched CATAPULT, a new health care model designed to improve the diagnosis and quality of care for chronic conditions.  Created as an eight-component model, CATAPULT creates a standardized and systematic approach to improving the control and management of hypertension, diabetes and other related conditions across various health systems in Georgia.

The new model offers an opportunity for health systems to significantly improve their existing health care delivery practices to support positive population health outcomes using technology and data.

Components of the CATAPULT model include:

Committing to participating
Assessing your practice or system
Training opportunities
Activating community resources
Prepare your Action Plan
Utilize your Action Plan
Leverage data systems
Testing and implement various approaches

Through the CATAPULT, DPH is aiming to reduce hospitalizations for Type II Diabetes by 25 percent by 2020; reduce hospitalizations for hypertension by 10 percent by 2020; improve hospital and health system performance measures; and build a community of health care providers engaged in continuous quality improvement.

DPH will provide a variety of services that will prepare providers to fully adopt the new model such as tailored quality improvement support designed to optimize chronic disease registries and build more effective practice teams; support to strengthen delivery of evidence-based care for chronic disease management and increased patient engagement; and access to educational support and tools, including team-based care, patient self-management and community resource tools.   

CATAPULT offers competitive awards are offered to health systems and are intended to assist health systems with implementing quality improvement processes such as improved data capture, improved reporting on National Quality Forum measures 18 and 59, and increase medication adherence. 

Interested Health Systems can access and review the CATAPULT Manual and contact CDPS for further information on how to enroll. 


HRSA recently launched its Million Hearts® badge to recognize the 215 HRSA-funded health centers that meet or exceed the MH targets of 70% on the UDS clinical performance measures for aspirin therapy, blood pressure control, and tobacco cessation counseling for tobacco users. Go to the 2014 Health Center Profile to find health centers with this badge.

Advancing Team-Based Care Through the Use of Collaborative Practice Agreements and Using the Pharmacists’ Patient Care Process to Manage High Blood Pressure

DPH, along with state teams from Arizona, Georgia, Iowa, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia and Wyoming participated in a learning program designed to accelerate team-based care using the pharmacists’ patient care process (PPCP) and collaborative practice agreements (CPA) designed to manage high blood pressure.

The project, sponsored by The National Association of Chronic Disease Directors (NACDD), in coordination with CDC’s Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention, allowed the state health department and pharmacy partner teams to attend an in-person workshop on May 24-25, 2017 in Atlanta, GA and engage in several follow up webinars to acquire the information needed to host trainings within their states for pharmacists and primary care physicians. The teams also developed a project plan and timeline for disseminating and supporting pharmacists with implementing the PPCP and CPA resource guides provided by the CDC.

On September 27, 2017, NACDD and CDC hosted a fireside chat to highlight the experiences of states participating in this project. The live panel discussion was moderated by Jeff Durthaler, Population Health Consultant Pharmacist for CDC, and featured Ben Berrett Manager, Pharmacy Primary Care Services at University of Utah Health and Hannah Herold, Chronic Disease Prevention Program Manager with the Wyoming Department of Health. The project faculty who have guided participants were also available to share their perspective: Lindsay Kunkle, Director of Practice & Science Affairs, American Pharmacists Association; Marialice S. Bennett, Professor Emeritus, The Ohio State University, College of Pharmacy; Troy Trygstad, Consultant; and Krystalyn Weaver, Vice President, Policy and Operations, National Alliance of State Pharmacy Associations. Recording available here

The desired outcomes of this project include taking actions that lead to:

1.  Increased engagement between the state health department and state pharmacy  and medical professional organizations.
2. Increased use of the pharmacists’ patient care process for managing high blood pressure and other chronic conditions.
3. Increased use of collaborative practice agreements between pharmacists and prescribers.
4. Increase in sustainable pharmacy practice models.
5. Knowledge transfer from participating states to non-participating states.

Workshop participants are using the following resource guides developed by CDC and pharmacy partners:

Methods & Resources For Engaging Pharmacy Partners
Using the Pharmacists' Patient Care Process to Manage High Blood Pressure: A Resource Guide for Pharmacists
Advancing Team-Based Care Through Collaborative Practice Agreements
The American Pharmacists Association (APhA) guidebook, How to Implement the Pharmacists’ Patient Care Process

For additional information, please see the following resources:

CDC Coffee Break: Resources for Engaging Pharmacists with Managing Hypertension
Improving Hypertension Control through Clinical Pharmacy Service Integration

New Diabetes Prevention Module from the American Medical Association

AMA STEPS Forward offers innovative strategies that will allow physicians and their staff to thrive in the evolving health care environment by working smarter, not harder, and giving them more time back to spend caring for their patients. Physicians can access the collection of interactive educational modules online at and also earn continuing medical education credit. The 16 current modules include steps for implementation, case studies, downloadable videos, tools and resources. The diabetes prevention module presents strategies to help physicians as well as practice staff educate patients about their risk for developing diabetes and refer at‑risk patients to a CDC-recognized lifestyle change program. This module also addresses the need for helping physicians determine roles and responsibilities and practice flow for diabetes prevention in a clinical setting. The AMA-CDC Provider Toolkit has been incorporated into the module. You can access the preventing type 2 diabetes in at-risk patients module at

Please see here for DSME programs in your area.




Page last updated 10/23/2017