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Results 1 - 10 of 249
  1. Clinical practice guidelines sponsored by the former Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, and released from 1992 through 1996, are available online from the National Library of Medicine... Date Updated: 06/03/2018
  2. On average, hospitals that have submitted to the Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture Comparative Database more than once readminister the survey every 24 months. Although we do not provide any... Date Updated: 07/11/2018
  3. TeamSTEPPS ™ (Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety) is a teamwork system for health care professionals to improve communication and teamwork skills that was developed... Date Updated: 11/15/2018
  4. The Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture measures staff perceptions of patient safety culture in their work area/unit, as well as perceptions about patient safety culture in the hospital as a... Date Updated: 11/01/2016
  5. The QIs of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality are a set of quality indicators organized into four "modules," each of which measure quality associated with processes of care that occurred... Date Updated: 11/29/2016
  6. The Patient Safety Act or PSQIA establishes a framework by which hospitals, doctors, and other health care providers may voluntarily report information to Patient Safety Organizations (PSOs), on a... Date Updated: 11/30/2016
  7. Safety culture surveys are useful for measuring organizational conditions that can lead to adverse events and patient harm in health care organizations. Organizations that want to assess their... Date Updated: 07/11/2018
  8. If your grant is under expanded authorities, the grantee institution has the authority to automatically extend the final budget period and project period one time for a period of up to 12 months. The... Date Updated: 12/02/2016
  9. AHRQ's health IT initiative is part of the Nation's strategy to put information technology to work in health care. By developing secure and private electronic health records for most Americans and... Date Updated: 04/16/2010
  10. Nurses play a vital role in in implementing a culture of patient safety and generate a critical level of thinking that leads to faster and sustained practice transformation—not only in the hospital... Date Updated: 12/21/2016