Office of HIV/AIDS


On behalf of the Office of HIV/AIDS (OHA) at the Georgia Department of Public Health, I want to welcome you to our webpage. We provide comprehensive prevention and care services in partnership with local health districts, hospitals, colleges/universities, community based organizations, stakeholders and many more. OHA is committed to upholding the vision, mission, and core values of the Georgia Department of Public Health. Our goal is to protect the lives of all Georgians infected or affected by HIV/AIDS by ensuring access to quality HIV care, expanding prevention services and fostering collaborations throughout the state. I encourage you to explore the following webpages to learn more about some of our programs and connect with our office!

L. William Lyons, Director, State Office of HIV/AIDS

What We Do

The Office of HIV/AIDS is responsible for improving the health status of Georgians diagnosed with HIV, preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS and reducing the overall burden of the HIV epidemic in Georgia. The OHA supports the vision of the National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS) and presents an integrated approach to HIV prevention and care services in order to meet the needs of Georgia residents. Georgia’s integrated approach shows a commitment to collaboration, efficiency, and innovation to achieve a more coordinated response to addressing HIV. Through integration, Georgia will continue to work diligently to prevent new HIV infections, increase access to care, improve health outcomes, and reduce HIV-related health disparities. Our work within the Office of HIV/AIDS  is guided by the following goal, vision, mission, and values:


The goal of the Georgia Department of Public Health, Office of HIV/AIDS Program is to save as many lives as possible by preventing HIV/AIDS transmission and enhancing access to timely treatment resulting in improved health outcomes.  
Vision: Health and the highest quality of life for all Georgians living with or affected by HIV/AIDS
Mission: Excellence in Georgia’s HIV/AIDS services through innovation and community partnership
Values: We will provide HIV/AIDS services to Georgians with compassion, competence, commitment, respect, and dignity
Click on the following link to read more about our success: Georgia HIV Infections Drop 6 Percent Annually for Six Years.
Our Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plan: Georgia Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plan CY 2017-2021.

Our Contact Information 

Georgia Department of Public Health 
Health Protection 
Office of HIV/AIDS
2 Peachtree St NW
Atlanta, GA 30303
Phone: 404-657-3100

Page Last Updated: 03/13/2018