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APHIS develops and applies scientific methods to benefit agricultural producers and consumers, protect the health of domestic animal and plant resources, sustain agricultural ecosystems, and promote animal welfare by:

  • Identifying and analyzing pest and disease pathways,
  • Conducting diagnostic testing,
  • Developing and adapting technologies,
  • Conducting risk assessments, and
  • Serving as a leader and resource in agricultural science and best practices.

With an extensive network of laboratories and research facilities, APHIS draws from among the most advanced and specialized scientific resources available today.

Advancing the Science of Safeguarding
APHIS relies on the unique skills of its highly trained staff—as well as its unmatched access to the most advanced technical resources—for the benefit of U.S. agriculture, producers, and consumers.  From our work on biocontrol techniques to wildlife fertility management and molecular diagnostics, APHIS keeps America on the cutting edge of agricultural science.

APHIS’ scientific facilities include the:

  • Center for Plant Health Science and Technology, where scientists evaluate risks associated with the introduction of plant pests and develop methods to exclude, detect, and manage invasive plant pests and weeds;

  • Center for Epidemiology and Animal Health, where multidisciplinary specialists track emerging animal health threats, monitor U.S. livestock management and production, design comprehensive animal health surveillance programs, and conduct risk assessments to identify situations that could impact the health of U.S. animal agriculture;
  • National Wildlife Research Center, the world’s only research center devoted entirely to the development of methods for effective wildlife damage management;

  • National Veterinary Services Laboratories (NVSL), the Nation’s premier animal health diagnostic laboratory and a World Animal Health Organization reference laboratory for animal diseases of importance to the Americas; 
  • Foreign Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory, a high-security biocontainment facility, part of the NVSL, where experts diagnose and develop tests for foreign animal diseases that threaten U.S. animal agriculture, as well as maintain forensic capabilities that can be used in the event of potential bioterrorist releases;
  • National Animal Health Laboratory Network, an extensive and integrated system of Federal, State, and university laboratories that provide animal disease diagnostic services in both routine and emergency situations, including bioterrorism events;
  • Center for Veterinary Biologics, the Nation’s sole laboratory involved in the testing and regulation of commercial veterinary biologics (vaccines and diagnostic kits) in the United States; and the

  • Center for Animal Welfare, where APHIS specialists collaborate with a diverse network of external partners and experts to serve as a national and international resource for animal welfare science, training, education, and policy strategy.

APHIS keeps America on the cutting edge of agricultural science.


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