Research, Data & Technology

The Children’s Bureau funds and manages research, data, and technology initiatives to help improve child and family outcomes throughout the United States. These initiatives allow for the collection of vital local, state, and national data and support the implementation and study of innovations in the field.

Reporting Systems

The Children’s Bureau supports the development of state and tribal child welfare reporting systems to enable the collection and analysis of important information about children and families, as well as improve case practice and management.

State & Tribal Information Systems

Child welfare information systems are case management systems that serve as the record hubs for all children and families receiving child welfare support. Federal funding is available to both state and tribal title IV-E agencies to develop and maintain these automated systems.

Statistics & Research

Using information collected through various monitoring and reporting systems, the Children's Bureau analyzes and reports data on a variety of topics, including adoption, foster care, and child abuse and neglect

CB Funded Research

The Children’s Bureau funds research in collaboration with other organizations.

Last Reviewed: August 8, 2018