• December 2018/January 2019
  • Vol. 19, No. 10
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Spotlight on the Role of the Legal and Judicial Community in Improving Outcomes for Children and Families

This month's issue of CBX highlights the important partnership between the legal and judicial systems and child welfare. Because this topic is so important, we are making it the focus of the entire issue and not just the Spotlight section. Read a message from the Children’s Bureau’s David Kelly, as well as featured guest articles from Vivek Sankaran, Director, Child Advocacy Law Clinic, University of Michigan Law School; Judge Derek C. Swope, West Virginia Circuit Court; and Allison Green, Special Assistant Professional & Foster America Fellow, Missouri Children's Division. This issue also includes a variety of resources on the essential collaboration between attorneys, judges, and child welfare agencies.


CB_large News From the Children's Bureau

Read about the reasonable efforts that must be made before children can be removed from their homes; the ways attorneys and judges can make sure those reasonable efforts are carried out; an information memorandum that highlights important research, best practices, and strategies to promote and sustain high-quality legal representation for all parents, children, and child welfare agencies; the latest additions to the CB website; and more.

Strategies and Tools for Practice

This section of CBX offers publications, articles, reports, toolkits, and other resources that provide either evidence-based strategies or other concrete help to child welfare and related professionals.


Learn about how quality indicators related to parent representation can ensure that vulnerable families are receiving high-quality representation and how the Court Improvement Program Talks provide information on how the legal and judicial communities can collaborate with partners to better serve vulnerable families and help improve outcomes.