What We Do / Oil Spill Preparedness Division / Preparedness Activities / Equipment Preparedness Verification

Equipment Preparedness Verification

A BSEE Preparedness Analyst inspects spill  response equipment in Alaska.
A BSEE Preparedness Analyst inspects spill response equipment in Alaska.

The ability of an offshore facility owner/operator to respond effectively to an oil spill is directly related to the preparedness state of the equipment listed within their OSRP.  Therefore, BSEE OSPD monitors the preparedness and readiness levels of oil spill response equipment owned or contracted by offshore facilities owners/operators.  BSEE personnel periodically check the equipment listed within each OSRP to ensure that it is properly maintained, ready to be operated, and performs as specified by the manufacturer. OSPD staff review the maintenance and exercise records for listed response equipment, and regularly travel across the Gulf of Mexico, California, and Alaska to visit storage sites and conduct inspections.

An industry representative explains his oil spill  response equipment to a BSEE Senior Preparedness Analyst and U.S. Coast Guard personnel  during a joint BSEE-USCG inspection in the Gulf of Mexico.
An industry representative explains his oil spill response equipment to a BSEE Senior Preparedness Analyst and U.S. Coast Guard personnel during a joint BSEE-USCG inspection in the Gulf of Mexico.

The Coast Guard performs a similar type of equipment verification as they execute their respective regulations for Vessel Response Plans and Marine Transportation Related Waterfront Facilities.  Consequently, BSEE and USCG personnel periodically conduct joint inspections of oil spill response equipment when appropriate.