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Fraud, Waste & Abuse


Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency Integrity Committee

  • Scott Dahl, Inspector General, U.S. Department of Labor; Chair of the Integrity Committee
  • Deborah Jeffrey, Inspector General, Corporation for National & Community Service; Vice Chair of the Integrity Committee

Integrity Committee Policy & Procedures; revised January 2018

The statutory mandate of the Integrity Committee is to receive, review, and refer for investigation allegations of wrongdoing made against an Inspectors General (IG), designated senior staff of an IG, and the Special Counsel and Deputy Special Counsel of the Office of Special Counsel, and to ensure the fair, consistent, timely, and impartial disposition of allegations that fall within the IC’s statutory mandate.

Submitting Complaints

Complaints must be submitted in writing to either:

Via Email at:

OR Via First Class Mail at:
Attn: Integrity Committee
1717 H St, NW
Suite 825
Washington, DC 20006

Integrity Committee Reports

U.S. Office of Special Counsel
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission