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Feed the Future has shown that progress on ending hunger is possible. By bringing partners together to invest in agriculture, resilience and nutrition, we have helped millions of families around the world lift themselves out of hunger and poverty.

  • 23.4 Million
    More people now live above the poverty line (estimate)
  • 3.4 Million
    More children are living free from stunting (estimate)
  • 900+
    Innovations developed and deployed;
  • $3.3 Billion
    Agricultural and rural loans unlocked (2011-2017)
  • 5.2 Million
    More families are no longer suffering from hunger (estimate)
  • $10.5 Billion
    Generated by farmers in new agricultural sales (2011-2017)

For more information, please read our progress report.

See The Full Progress Report

Feed the Future Progress Through 2018;

Feed the Future is growing, cultivating and harvesting results to help end global hunger.

View Feed the Future’s search for past progress reports to learn more about our results through the years and read the stories of lives changed.

Feed the Future 2017 Progress Snapshot 

Feed the Future 2016 Progress Report

Feed the Future 2015 Progress Report

Feed the Future 2014 Progress Report

Feed the Future 2013 Progress Report

Feed the Future 2012 Progress Report

How We Measure Progress;

Feed the Future has a rigorous system by which we monitor, evaluate and learn from our work. Our U.S. Government partners report results from their programs as part of this system.

We analyze the data sources outlined below that make up this system, which helps us continuously learn from and improve our efforts. To make this level of monitoring, evaluation and learning more sustainable over time, we also help countries strengthen their own national data systems.

The Feed the Future monitoring, evaluation and learning system also includes:

  • A results framework that outlines how we expect our efforts will lead to our goal of sustainably reducing global hunger, malnutrition, and poverty.
  • Standard and custom indicators that track progress and help us monitor performance.
  • Evaluations that help us better understand how effective our various efforts have been and why.
  • A learning agenda that identifies gaps in evidence that we aim to fill so we can further improve our work in the future.

We recently upgraded this system to align with the U.S. Government Global Food Security Strategy. While we begin using this upgraded system, Feed the Future will also continue to track progress against poverty and hunger in our original 19 Feed the Future focus countries through 2019 to complete reporting on the initiative’s first phase.

Want more details? Learn more on Agrilinks and check out the resources above.