• Jan 8, 2019
  • 1:47 PM

Become a Nevada Veterans Advocate

If you have immediate questions about the Nevada Veterans Advocate (NVA) Program, contact our Training Officer, Justin Prazak via email at PrazakJ@veterans.nv.gov.

What Does a Nevada Veterans Advocate Do?

A Nevada Veterans Advocate (NVA) is a person who helps educate active military members, guard/reserve members, Veterans, and their families about benefits and opportunities they may be eligible for. Simply put: Nevada Veterans Advocates learn about veterans benefits and resources in order to share that information with their local communities.

Thank you again for your interest in helping others!

Click here for a full list of NVA Course Slide Presentations!

How to Get Certified:

Enroll in and complete the Nevada Veterans Advocate Course…either to help advise others…or to learn about State of Nevada and federal VA benefits that you might benefit from!

The program consists of 20 online courses answering the most critical and common questions asked by veterans seeking assistance.

Upon completion of the course, participants can contact the NDVS Training Officer, Justin Prazak at 775-321-4719 or email at Prazakj@veterans.nv.gov to request certification.

Once certified, participants will receive a Certificate of Completion, a Nevada Veterans Advocate shirt, and be put in touch with an outreach director in the advocate’s area to become a volunteer at NDVS outreach events!

So what are you waiting for? Join a team of professionals that are making a difference—one veteran—one family—one survivor at a time.

To become a Nevada Veterans Advocate (NVA) take the Nevada Veterans Advocacy Course on-line…AT NO COST!

Sign up at: https://nvapps.state.nv.us

  • Register with the System
  • Create Your NVAPPS Profile and remember your ID and Password; you will need it at the next step.

Almost there!

  • Now log into nv eLearn, the State of Nevada Professional Development Center using your NVAPPS login and password at https://nvelearn.nv.gov:
  • Click on Course Catalog
  • Click on Courses forOther Nevada public entities and the public.
  • Click on Veterans Advocacy and Support
  • Click on Nevada Veterans Advocate Certification Courses
  • Click on the course you wish to take!

Once certified, get involved!

Once you are certified, you can become part of the NDVS team and help us at outreach events to veterans!