NIST and the Nobel

This microsite celebrates the scientists who received the Nobel Prize for work they did at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Click on the images of the NIST laureates to learn more about their lives, work, and legacies.

NIST Nobel Winners

Other NIST Connections to the Nobel Prize 

Marie Curie Portrait Image

Marie Curie

Learn how NIST researchers have contributed to other Nobel prizes and laureates, from Marie Curie's radium samples to the improved detection of chemical weapons.

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Special Acknowledgement

Katharine Blodgett Gebbie

Katharine Blodgett Gebbie (1932-2016) led NIST to its four Nobel Prizes in physics as the former director of NIST’s Physical Measurement Laboratory and Physics Laboratory, which included Bill Phillips, Dave Wineland, Eric Cornell and Jan Hall. In this video, released in early 2016, Gebbie describes her life and work.

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