
Our Partnership

Today, Africans are the architects of their development, not just beneficiaries. Donors support their plans, they do not dictate them. Our joint efforts reap dividends for both African countries and the United States.

Our work to prevent conflict and violent extremism reduces political instability that can threaten U.S. national security. And above all, our support of democracy, opportunity, and freedom from poverty and disease represents our country’s most cherished values.

Our model for development expands and deepens partnerships with African governments, businesses, universities, and civil society—as well as with the new generation of leaders, thinkers, entrepreneurs, and innovators, who are leading the transformation of their societies.  

While the governing principles of our work apply across the continent, our strategies are tailored to each country’s singular challenges and opportunities. We will continue to work together to realize the promise of a more peaceful, more productive, more prosperous 21st century Africa. We:

  • Boost agricultural productivity through the Feed the Future Initiative by addressing the root causes of chronic hunger and poverty and spurring economic growth in a region with incredible resources and arable land
  • Strengthen health systems so that countries can help their children survive, overcome the threat of malaria, give mothers the support they need to give birth safely, and turn the tide against the HIV/AIDS epidemic on the continent
  • Support democracy, human rights, and good governance to help governments fight corruption, expand space for civil society, help citizens choose their leadership and strengthen the trend toward democratization
  • Increase resilience to climate shocks by helping communities adapt to erratic rainfall and longer, harsher droughts—weather effects we know will hit Africa hardest
  • Lead quick responses to humanitarian crises to save lives and help prevent instability and loss, critical in a region prone to destabilizing droughts and food emergencies

For more exciting stories and content about our work on the ground, follow us on TwitterYouTube and Flickr!

Last updated: October 11, 2018

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