U.S. Flag Official website of the Department of Homeland Security

Frequently Asked Questions

US-CERT offers answers to some of the many common questions about the US-CERT mailing lists and website. Click on a subject heading below to view questions and answers relating to your selection. Links throughout the answers will guide you to further information on our website or from other sources. Should you have any further questions, please refer to our Contact Us page.

Mailing List Questions

What is the National Cyber Awareness System?

The National Cyber Awareness System is America's first cohesive national cybersecurity system for identifying, analyzing, and prioritizing emerging vulnerabilities and threats. Managed by the US-CERT, the system relays computer security update and warning information to all users. It provides all citizens—from computer security professionals to home computer users with basic skills—with free, timely, actionable information to better secure their computer systems. The National Cyber Awareness System provides valuable cybersecurity information in the form of Alerts, Tips, and Bulletins.

What mailing lists are available and how do I subscribe?

You can sign up to receive Alerts, Tips, and Bulletins, and Current Activity updates through email. Visit the subscription system to subscribe to one or more of the lists.

I'm having trouble subscribing to a mailing list; what can I do?

If you are having any difficulties with the subscription system, please review these FAQs.

How do I change my email address or unsubscribe?

You can change your email address, unsubscribe, or manage your preferences by clicking the Manage Preferences link in any email you receive through the subscription service. If you continue to have difficulties, please contact support@govdelivery.com.

Website Questions

Is the US-CERT site secure?

The http://www.us-cert.gov website employs adequate security to ensure that the documents stored on the site are safe from viruses. If you require an additional level of security, you can use the mirror site that uses a secure socket layer under the regular HTTP application. That URL is https://www.us-cert.gov.

What is the privacy policy for the US-CERT site?

The US-CERT website contains a full description of our privacy policy.

How can I send secure information to US-CERT?

You can encrypt information you send to US-CERT through email. Find out more about communicating with US-CERT via email at https://www.us-cert.gov/contact-us/.

Does US-CERT provide RSS or Atom feeds for its web content?

US-CERT currently provides Atom feeds for the following content:

  • Alerts
  • Bulletins
  • Tips
  • Current Activity

To learn about US-CERT feeds and how to subscribe to them, see More About US-CERT Atom Feeds.


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