About The Office

The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) in the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) is a statutorily created independent entity whose mission is to detect and deter waste, fraud, abuse, and misconduct in DOJ programs and personnel, and to promote economy and efficiency in those programs. The OIG investigates alleged violations of criminal and civil laws by DOJ employees and also audits and inspects DOJ programs. The Inspector General, who is appointed by the President subject to Senate confirmation, reports to the Attorney General and Congress.

The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) consists of a front office, which is comprised of the Inspector General, the Deputy Inspector General, the Office of the General Counsel, and five major components. Each division is headed by an Assistant Inspector General.


Photo of Michael E. Horowitz
Michael E. Horowitz
was confirmed as Inspector General for the Department of Justice (DOJ) by the U.S. Senate on March 29, 2012. He was sworn in as the fourth confirmed Inspector General on April 16, 2012.

Deputy Inspector General – William M. Blier

General Counsel – Jonathan M. Malis

Senior Counsel – John S. Lavinsky

Senior Counsel – René Rocque Lee

Counsel – Yvonne Garcia

Counsel – Adam Miles

Chief Innovation Officer – Mitch Raton

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Audit Division

The Audit Division is the OIG’s largest division and is made up of 200 skilled auditors, program analysts, statisticians and other operational staff. Through its multi-disciplined staff, the Audit Division conducts performance audits of Department programs and operations and oversees annual audits of over $35 billion in Department expenditures. The Division also conducts audits of external entities that receive Department funding through its various contracts and grant programs. These audits significantly assist the Department in its efforts to prevent waste, fraud and abuse, and to promote economy and efficiency in its operations. The Division’s robust oversight program is primarily driven by risk-based assessments of Department operations, as well as legal mandates, congressional requests, current events, and the Department’s Top Management and Performance Challenges as identified by the OIG each year.

Assistant Inspector General – Jason R. Malmstrom

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Investigations Division

The Investigations Division investigates alleged violations of fraud, abuse and integrity laws that govern DOJ employees, operations, grantees and contractors. Investigations Division Special Agents develop cases for criminal prosecution, civil, or administrative action.

Assistant Inspector General – VACANT

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Evaluation and Inspections Division

The Evaluation and Inspections Division provides the Inspector General with an alternative mechanism to traditional audit and investigative disciplines to assess Department of Justice (Department) programs and activities. Much of the work results in recommendations to decisionmakers to streamline operations, reduce unnecessary regulations, improve customer service, and minimize inefficient and ineffective procedures. In addition to assessing Department programs, the Division conducts special reviews requested by the Inspector General or senior Department management that arise suddenly and need immediate attention.

Assistant Inspector General – Nina S. Pelletier

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Oversight and Review Division

The Oversight and Review Division blends the skills of attorneys, investigators, program analysts, and paralegals to conduct special reviews and investigations of sensitive allegations involving Department employees and operations. O&R’s reviews and investigations are often undertaken at the request of the Attorney General, senior Department managers, or Congress.

Assistant Inspector General – M. Sean O'Neill

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Management and Planning Division

The Management and Planning Division provides the Inspector General with advice on administrative and fiscal policy and assists OIG components by providing services in the areas of planning, budget, finance, quality assurance, personnel, training, procurement, automated data processing, computer network communications and general support.

Assistant Inspector General – Gregory T. Peters

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Updated: October 2018