Newsroom / Partnerships / Interagency Collaboration

Interagency Collaboration

BSEE's responsibilities for the regulation of offshore energy development on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) often overlap with the responsibilities and regulations of other federal agencies. The Bureau works closely with our partners to ensure we approach this shared regulatory space in an efficient and consistent manner. The Bureau also leverages its limited resources through agreements with federal partners and other agencies through memoranda of understanding or agreement (MOU, MOA) and interagency agreements (IAA).

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U.S. Coast Guard (USCG)

U.S. Coast Guard Logo BSEE and the USCG have closely aligned jurisdictional and regulatory responsibilities related to offshore energy development on the Outer Continental Shelf. From offshore inspections to incident response and investigations, the two organizations collaborate extensively to reduce redundancy and ensure consistency and clarity for the regulated community. The two organizations work closely together under an overarching Memorandum of Understanding and several memoranda of agreement related to specific issues that touch on the organizations' shared regulatory space.
2018 BSEE/USCG Joint Activity Summary
2017 BSEE/USCG Joint Activity Summary
2017 BSEE/USCG BSEE and USCG Memo Index
2017 BSEE/USCG Civil Penalties (MOA OCS-02)
2017 BSEE/USCG MOA regarding Oil Discharge Planning, Preparedness, and Response (MOA OCS-03)
2017 BSEE/USCG Incident Notifications and Investigations (MOA OCS-05)
2017 BSEE/USCG MOA regarding Safety and Environmental Management Systems (SEMS) and Safety Management Systems (SMS) (MOA OCS-07)
2016 BSEE/USCG Floating Offshore Facilities (MOA OCS-04)
2014 BSEE/USCG Fixed Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Facilities (MOA OCS-09)
2013 BSEE/USCG MOA concerning Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODUs) (MOA OCS-08)
2012 BSEE/USCG MOU regarding Building a Partnership to Improve Safety and Environmental Protection
2011 BOEMRE/USCG MOA regarding Offshore Renewable Energy Installations on the Outer Continental Shelf (MOA OCS-06)
2004 MMS/USCG Agency Responsibilities (cancelled and replaced by Index Document

U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)

U.S. Department of Energy Logo BSEE and DOE work very closely together in the areas of spill prevention research, risk modeling, renewable energy initiatives, and technology research. BSEE leverages its resources through interagency agreements with two national labs and pursues other areas of common interest to both organizations through a formal Memorandum of Collaboration.
2013 BSEE/DOE Memorandum of Collaboration
1999 MMS/DOE MOU regarding The Implementation of and Participation in Technology Commercialization to Benefit Production in the Ultra Deepwater Gulf of Mexico

U.S. Department of Transportation, Pipelines and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA)

U.S. Department of Tranportation, Pipelines and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Logo Oil, natural gas, and related liquids produced on the Outer Continental Shelf are transported to shore primarily through the use of pipelines regulated by PHMSA. BSEE collaborates with PHMSA in the areas of pipeline safety, spill prevention and response and pipeline rights of way.
1996 MMS/DOT MOU regarding Outer Continental Shelf (OCS)Pipelines

Bureau of Transportation Statistics

Bureau of Transportation Statistics Logo

BSEE entered into an Interagency Agreement with the Department of Transportation's Bureau of Transportation Statistics to develop and manage a voluntary and confidential “Near Miss” reporting tool for individuals working in the offshore oil and gas industry. To read more about Near Miss reporting, Link to news Release

2016 BSEE/(DOT) BTS MOU Between BSEE and BTS for Reporting and Analysis of Safety and Pollution Prevention Equipment Failures
2014 BSEE/(DOT) BTS Interagency Agreement (IAA) regarding Development and Operation of a Confidential Near Miss Reporting System

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Environmental Protection Agency logo BSEE and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) work cooperatively to protect the environment using different statutory authorities. BSEE coordinates with the EPA on compliance and enforcement matters related to energy development on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). BSEE and EPA have regional memorandums of agreement in the Pacific and Gulf of Mexico OCS regions to coordinate compliance with EPA NPDES permits, including facility inspections and enforcement of permit violations.
1994 MMS/EPA FR Notice of an MOU among DOI/DOT/EPA on Jurisdictional Responsibilities for offshore facilities, including pipelines
1989 MMS/EPA MOA between EPA Region 6 regarding Coordinating National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit Compliance with MMS Offshore Inspection Program Gulf of Mexico Region
1989 MMS/EPA MOA between EPA Region 9 regarding Coordinating National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit Compliance with MMS Offshore Inspection Program Pacific Region
1984 MMS/EPA MOU regarding The Coordination of National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit Issuance

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

National Aeronautics and Space Administration logo The Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) and The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) have announced a five-year agreement allowing BSEE to capitalize on the best risk management approaches from the aeronautics industry to inform stakeholders and further strengthen worker and environmental safety protections on the Outer Continental Shelf. Probabilistic risk assessment is a technique used by NASA to quantitatively model risk. It was used in the modeling of the Space Shuttle Program and is presently being used for the International Space Station and Orion deep space capsule programs.
2016 BSEE/NASA Quantitative Risk Assessment, Engineering Test Design, and Failure Analysis

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration logo BSEE operates the Protected Species Program throughout offshore energy programs on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). BSEE monitors and protects animals identified in the Endangered Species Act and the Marine Mammals Protection Act. NOAA and BSEE also work together on decommissioning requests under the Rigs To Reef policy.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers logo

BSEE and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers coordinate on projects which affect the OCS and shorelines. Both agencies are involved when operators request permission to decommission facilities under the Rigs to Reefs policy.

1999 MMS/USACE MOA between BSEE and the Army Corps of Engineers regarding Overarching Planning and Coordination Procedures for Congressionally-authorized Shore Protection Projects

Interagency Coordinating Committee on Oil Pollution Research (ICCOPR)


The Interagency Coordinating Committee on Oil Pollution Research (ICCOPR) serves as a forum for its federal members to coordinate and maintain awareness of ongoing oil pollution research activities. The Interagency Committee is comprised of 14 members representing federal independent agencies, departments, and department components. The Coast Guard chairs the Interagency Committee and NOAA, BSEE, and EPA rotate assignments as the vice-chair every two years. The Oil Pollution Act of 1990 requires the Interagency Committee to prepare an Oil Pollution Research and Technology Plan to define the roles of each Federal agency involved in oil spill research and development and to promote cooperation with industry, universities, research institutions, State governments, and other nations. The members of the committee are:

  2015 ICCOPR Research and Technology Plan

Internal DOI Partnerships

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management logo

BSEE works closely with BOEM promoting energy independence, environmental protection and economic development through responsible science-based management of offshore conventional and renewable energy and marine mineral resources. BOEM studies the environment and leases resources on the Outer Continental Shelf, BSEE enforces the terms of the leases. BSEE and BOEM historically were both part of the Mineral Management Service (MMS) and the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation, and Enforcement (BOEMRE). BOEM and BSEE also collaborate on Rigs to Reefs applications.

2018 BOEM/BSEE MOA regarding NEPA and Environmental Compliance
2014 BOEM/BSEE/ONRR MOU between BOEM and BSEE and ONRR
2014 BOEM/BSEE MOA regarding Enforcement Activities
2011 BOEM/BSEE MOU Between BOEM and BSEE
2011 BOEM/BSEE MOA regarding Assignments, Bonding, and Pipelines
2011 BOEM/BSEE MOA regarding Geological Data
2011 BOEM/BSEE MOA regarding Marine Minerals
2011 BOEM/BSEE MOA regarding Plans and Permits
2011 BOEM/BSEE MOA regarding Royalty Relief

Office of Natural Resources Revenue

Office of Natural Resources Revenue logo The Office of Natural Resources Revenue (ONRR) collects and disburses royalty revenues generated by energy production on federal lands, to include the Outer Continental Shelf. BSEE performs meter inspections on behalf of ONRR to ensure companies are accurately reporting production totals.
2014 BOEM/BSEE/ONRR MOU between BOEM and BSEE and ONRR

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service logo BSEE operates the Protected Species Program throughout offshore energy programs on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). BSEE monitors and protects animals identified in the Endangered Species Act.
2009 MMS/FWS MOU with FWS regarding Implementation of Executive Order 13186, Responsibilities of Federal Agencies to Protect Migratory Birds