Online Services - Missouri Secretary of State
Corporations Online Portal
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Welcome to the Missouri Online Business Filing System

Please note that if you are an Authorized Farm Corporation or Family Farm Corporation as defined by RSMo Section 350.010, you are not required to file a corporate registration report if none of the following have changed since your Articles of Incorporation or most recently filed corporate registration report:

  • Corporate Name
  • Name of registered agent
  • Registered agent’s Missouri physical address giving street and number, or building and number, or both, as the case may require
  • Name and correct business or residence address of officers and directors
  • Mailing address of the corporation’s principal place of business or corporate headquarters

This is pursuant to Senate Bill 664, which was signed into law in June of 2016. Please email us at or call (866) 223-6535 if you have any questions.

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Enter user ID and password. Do not have an account? Click "Create Account" below to create one.
Business Search
Search for a business entity registered in Missouri.
Verify Certificates
Verify validity of a certificate issued by the MO SOS.