Overview of R01 Process

Overview of R01 Process

This application to funding timeline is for Unsolicited, Investigator-Initiated R01s (not applications responding to initiatives) by review cycle for FY 2020 funding. For other application types or other years, go to the NIH Standard Due Dates for Competing Applications.

The text below uses actual submission deadlines for investigator-initiated applications. We based them on NIH standard due dates. If a standard date falls on a weekend or holiday, we adjusted it to the next business day.

Preparation Stage

Step 1. Prepare your application

First learn about Types of Funding Opportunities and Understand NIAID Research Priorities. Then get advice from NIAID's Apply for a Grant and mentors.

Since your institution may take days, weeks, or months to process a grant application, get your internal due date from your business office.

Using that date as your internal deadline, allow at least this much time to prepare your application:

  • Two months: Planning and writing.
  • One month: Getting feedback.
  • Two weeks: Checks and edits.

Submission Stage

Step 2. Organization submits the application by the receipt date

Leave enough time to make corrections. The application goes to Grants.gov  and then the eRA Commons  for validation. Read more at Submit an Application.

Standard R01 receipt dates by review cycle:

  • Review Cycle 1
    • New non-AIDS applications: By February 5, 2019
    • All AIDS applications: By May 7, 2019
    • Resubmissions, non-AIDS: By March 5, 2019
  • Review Cycle 2
    • New non-AIDS applications: By June 5, 2019
    • All AIDS applications: By September 9, 2019
    • Resubmissions, non-AIDS: By July 5, 2019
  • Review Cycle 3
    • New non-AIDS applications: By October 7, 2019
    • All AIDS applications: By January 7, 2020
    • Resubmissions, non-AIDS: By November 5, 2019

Learn more about tracking your application’s status and your next steps at After You Submit an Application.

Review Stage

Step 3. Assignment

Find your application’s assigned institute and integrated review group in the Commons  within two weeks. Read more at Application Assignment to Review Groups.

Step 4. NIH assigns applications to reviewers

  • Review Cycle 1: May 2019
  • Review Cycle 2:  September 2019
  • Review Cycle 3: January 2020

Step 5. Applications undergo initial peer review

Scientific review timing by cycle:

  • Review Cycle 1: June or July 2019
  • Review Cycle 2:  October or November 2019
  • Review Cycle 3: February or March 2020

Find overall impact/priority scores in the Commons  within three business days of initial peer review.

You will get your summary statement within 30 days (for new investigator R01 applications, no later than July 10, November 10, or March 10, depending on review cycle).

Learn more at Understand the Review Process.

After Review Stage

Step 6. NIAID begins to fund applications that had expedited second-level review

We discuss expedited review at Second-Level Review: Advisory Council.

  • Review Cycle 1: Starting in October 2019, assuming we have a budget by then.
  • Review Cycle 2: Starting in November 2019
  • Review Cycle 3: Starting in March 2020

Step 7. NIAID Council

Our Council recommends funding for selective pay and non-expedited applications. Learn more at Second-Level Review: Advisory Council.

  • Review Cycle 1: September 9, 2019
  • Review Cycle 2: January 27, 2020
  • Review Cycle 3: June 1, 2020

After Council, we may ask you to Respond to Pre-Award Requests (“Just-in-Time”).

Step 8. NIAID funds selective pay and non-expedited awards

  • Review Cycle 1: October 2019, assuming we have a budget by then, through end of fiscal year
  • Review Cycle 2: February 2020 through end of fiscal year
  • Review Cycle 3: June 2020 through end of fiscal year

Learn about negotiating your initial award and what to do afterward at Manage Your Award. Be sure to Stay Informed About Policy Changes & News.

Step 9. End of fiscal year

The last day of fiscal year 2020 is September 30, 2020.

Have Questions?

A program officer in your area of science can give you application advice, NIAID's perspective on your research, and confirmation that NIAID will accept your application.

Find contacts and instructions at When to Contact a NIAID Program Officer.

Content last reviewed on November 14, 2018