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Data Feeds

This page lists our data that is available in multiple formats, including machine readable, static datasets, RSS feeds, and more.


We offer several ways for you to receive automatic updates on press releases, disaster declarations, our latest blog posts, and information from our partners. The data feeds page is intended to be a one stop shop for FEMA's open data. This data is intended for use by our whole community stakeholders and you can find more information about the metadata within each dataset. Click on the icons next to the sources below to open the data in your preferred format.

If you would like to see the data sources below available in another format, let us know via OpenFEMA@fema.dhs.gov.


FEMA offers some of its public data in machine readable format via an Application Programming Interface (API).

Additional information:

Disaster Declarations

Disaster Declarations    RSS Feed icon

  • Major Disaster Declarations   RSS Feed icon
  • Emergency Declarations   RSS Feed icon
  • Fire Management Assistance Declarations   RSS Feed icon


The datasets below are arranged by FEMA Program. OpenFEMA is transitioning datasets to the OpenFEMA API, so when available, the link to the API version of the dataset will be provided.


Individual Assistance
FEMA assists individuals and households through the coordination and delivery of Individual Assistance (IA) programs. IA includes a number of other programs, including Individuals and Households Program (IHP) and that in turn includes Housing Assistance (HA) and Other Needs Assistance (ONA).

Public Assistance
Public Assistance (PA) is FEMA's largest grant program providing funds to assist communities responding to and recovering from major declared disasters or emergencies.

Hazard Mitigation Assistance
Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) is for actions taken to reduce or eliminate long term risk to people and property from natural disasters. HMA includes the following programs: Hazard Mitigation Grants Program (HMGP), Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM), and Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA). Please note that the Biggert Waters Flood Instance Reform Act of 2012 eliminated the Repetitive Flood Claims (RFC) and Severe Repetitive Loss (SRL) and the new FMA program was authorized.

National Flood Insurance Program
The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) aims to reduce the impact of flooding on private and public structures.



FEMA GeoPlaform

Recovery Centers and Housing Portal

Geographic Information System (GIS)

Current Disaster DeclarationsFEMA GISMetadataViewshpMapKMZWMSgeoRSS
Historical Disaster DeclarationsFEMA GISMetadataViewshp1964-2013
FEMA Regions and OfficesFEMA GISMetadataViewshpMapKMZWMS 
Hurricane Evacuation RoutesHSIP Gold '11MetadataViewshpMapKMZWMS 

News and Information

  • News Releases   RSS Feed icon
  • FEMA Blog    RSS Feed icon
  • FEMA Regional Offices    KMZ document
  • FEMA Region 1 News    RSS Feed icon
  • FEMA Region 2 News    RSS Feed icon
  • FEMA Region 3 News    RSS Feed icon
  • FEMA Region 4 News    RSS Feed icon
  • FEMA Region 5 News    RSS Feed icon
  • FEMA Region 6 News    RSS Feed icon
  • FEMA Region 7 News    RSS Feed icon
  • FEMA Region 8 News    RSS Feed icon
  • FEMA Region 9 News    RSS Feed icon
  • FEMA Region 10 News    RSS Feed icon

Multimedia, Resource & Document Library

External Data Sources

  • Hurricane Evacuation Routes (HSIP Gold)    Text document    KMZ document    WMS
  • Community Collaborative Rain, Hail and Snow Observations (NOAA)    KML document
  • Real-time Worldwide Earthquakes (USGS)    KML document    csv document
  • Search for American Red Cross Shelters
  • For tornado/severe thunderstorm watches, mesoscale discussions, convective outlooks, fire weather outlooks (NOAA)    RSS Feed icon
  • For tornado/severe thunderstorm watches and watch status reports only (NOAA)    RSS Feed icon
  • For mesoscale discussions only (NOAA)    RSS Feed icon
  • For convective outlooks only (NOAA)    RSS Feed icon
  • For fire weather forecasts only (NOAA)    RSS Feed icon
  • ShakeMap (USGS)    RSS Feed icon

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is RSS RSS Feed icon?
    RSS stands for "Really Simple Syndication." It is a standard format used to share content on the Internet. Many websites provide RSS "feeds" that describe their latest news and updates.
  • How can I use RSS?
    You can use RSS to review updates from all of your favorite websites without having to visit each site. Using an RSS reader, you subscribe to the feed from a website, then scan headlines to find articles of interest. If you find an article you like, click the headline to read the complete article.  You always have the latest headlines because your RSS reader periodically retrieves the RSS feeds.
  • Where can I get an RSS reader?
    You can use an online RSS reader, which works from any web browser, or you can download software that runs on your computer. Some RSS readers are free, and some are available for a fee.
  • What are the terms of use?
    FEMA RSS feeds are provided free of charge for commercial/non-commercial use by individuals and organizations.
  • Can I display FEMA headlines on my website?
    Yes, FEMA headlines may be displayed on your Web site.
Last Updated: 
11/26/2018 - 14:47