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EMI Goes Green: Student course materials will no longer be available in printed format as common practice. Learn more about EMI's efforts to go green, and details about downloading student materials.

Due to the lapse in federal funding, this website will not be actively managed. More info.

Beginning January 1, 2019, the Emergency Management Institute (EMI) Superintendent will no longer sign Advanced Professional Series (APS) certificates. The APS program, which utilizes EMI developed courses, will continue to do so, and EMI will continue to maintain the courses; however, the responsibility for issuing the APS certificates will be turned over to the state emergency management agencies.

Students have always sent their requests for APS Certificates of Completion to their State Training Officer (STO) or designated State Emergency Management agency representative for confirmation and approval. After Jan 1, 2019, if a student requesting a certificate has met the requirements, then the State Emergency Management Director and anyone else designated to sign the certificate will do so. The STO or State Director’s office will then mail the certificate to the student.

If you have any questions or for more information, contact the APS Curriculum Manager at

Advanced Professional Series (APS)

The ability to perform essential work in a disaster requires skills in emergency operations and management. These skills may be developed through this series of courses that offers “how to” training focused on practical information. This series emphasizes applied skills in disaster operations, management and coordination.

The original Advanced Professional Series (APS) course lineup was first established on November 27, 2001, to motivate and challenge students to continue emergency management training. Courses include practical skills from the whole spectrum of emergency management and disaster duties.

APS Course Application Process

Required Courses

G775 - EOC Management and Operations, or IS775 EOC Management and Operations
G191 - Incident Command System/Emergency Operations Center Interface, or E/L449 ICS Train the Trainer*
G557 - Rapid Assessment Workshop,
G205 - Recovery from Disaster, the Local Government Role, or E210 Recovery from Disaster, the Local Government Role*
G393 - Mitigation for Emergency Managers or G318 – Mitigation Planning for Local Governments, either Mitigation course will satisfy the APS requirements

Elective Courses (choose any 5)

G288 - Local Volunteer and Donations Management
G364 - Multi-Hazard Emergency Planning for Schools, or L363 Multi-Hazard Planning for Higher Education*
IS703.a or IS703 - NIMS Resource Management, (Independent Study)
E/G202 - Debris Management Planning for State, Local and Tribal Officials*
G386 - Mass Fatalities
G361 - Flood Fight Operations
IEMC - One of the IEMC courses E900*
G108 - Community Mass Care and Emergency Assistance
G358 - Evacuation and Re-entry Planning
G290 - Basic Public Information Officers, or E388 Advanced Public Information Officer* or E/L952 All Hazards Public Information Officer*
G271 - Hazardous Weather and Flood Preparedness, or IS271 - Anticipating Hazardous Weather and Community Risk, (Independent Study)
G272 - Warning Coordination
E/L/K 146 - Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP)
G235 - Emergency Planning
E/L/G 0141 Instructional Presentation and Evaluation Skills

* All substitute E or L courses are subject to the Approval of the State Training Officer.

Requesting a Certificate of Completion

Certificate of Completion

Students who complete the 5 required courses and any 5 of 15 elective courses are eligible to receive the EMI Advanced Professional Series Certificate of Completion.

Certificate Request

Requests for the certificate of completion must be sent first to the state emergency management agency for verification. Include proof of attendance, either a copy of a completion certificate or transcript, of each course completed.

Original Required Courses as Optional Credit

The required courses of the original lineup will remain as optional credit for persons in mid-stream taking the original series. Students who have taken any or all of the original required courses will therefore not forfeit anything and can use those courses as credit for required courses. State Training Officers can continue to use any of the original required courses to suit their needs. The G110, G197, G202, G250.7, G366 and E947 have been removed from the APS lineup and individuals will receive credit for courses taken prior to their removal.


It is recommended that individuals take IS 100 (any version), IS 200 (any version), IS 700 (any version), IS 800 (any version), and/or the Professional Development Series (PDS) to have a better understanding of the concepts of the Advance Professional Series.

For Further Information

If you would like further information or have questions, the APS Curriculum Manager at

Picture of EMI Campus with Emergenct Mangement Institute sign in foreground and Buildings N and O in the background
Picture of EMI Classroom

Important Notices

Course Announcements

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