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About the Governor

Governor Henry McMaster

Henry Dargan McMaster of Columbia ascended to become the 117th Governor of South Carolina on January 24, 2017.

The son of the late attorney and former State Representative John Gregg McMaster and the late Ida Dargan McMaster, Governor McMaster is married to Peggy McMaster, and they have two children, Henry D. McMaster, Jr. and Mary Rogers McMaster.

As lieutenant governor, McMaster served as president of the South Carolina State Senate and headed the Lieutenant Governor’s Office on Aging, which aids older adults with social, economic and health needs. In that capacity, he added senior services to the 2-1-1 system, connecting callers wth support groups and services in their areas. He also established a “Senior Day” at the State House and strengthened the network of “senior ride” projects. AARP named McMaster a “Capitol Caregiver” for his policies to help seniors live independently at home.

McMaster was the last independently elected Lieutenant Governor of South Carolina, and served as President of the Senate for the duration of his term.

As attorney general, McMaster made prosecution of criminal domestic violence a priority and harnessed the resources of law enforcement and prosecutors to crack down on child Internet predators...