Records Management Priorities for 2017

Earlier this week, the Archivist of the United States sent a memorandum to Senior Agency Officials for Records Management (SAORM) and agency records officers. The memo reminds them of their federal records and information management responsibilities and specifically addresses three high visibility priorities for 2017: electronic messaging and encrypted messages; managing web records; and ensuring … Continue reading Records Management Priorities for 2017

Records Management of Social Media and Electronic Records

We have been receiving questions about the records management responsibilities for content created in social media and through the use of electronic messages. We would like to remind Federal agencies that we have issued guidance on both of these topics: NARA Bulletin 2014-02 for Guidance on Managing Social Media Records, and NARA Bulletin 2015-02 for … Continue reading Records Management of Social Media and Electronic Records

Social Media Guidance now in DYPS

We are pleased to announce we have added social media account guidance to our web publication, Documenting Your Public Service (DYPS). This guidance builds on NARA Bulletin 2014-02: Guidance on Managing Social Media Records and our Social Media Capture White Paper. It specifically addresses the administration of social media accounts during a time of transition. … Continue reading Social Media Guidance now in DYPS

Social Media Bulletin Briefing

A few weeks ago, we released NARA Bulletin 2014-02: Guidance on Managing Social Media Records, which superseded our previous  Bulletin on Social Media. This new Bulletin provides Federal agencies with high-level requirements and best practices for managing records created and received when using social media. Want to learn more about the challenges agencies face in … Continue reading Social Media Bulletin Briefing

Social Media Bulletin Issued

We have just released NARA Bulletin 2014-02, Guidance on Managing Social Media Records. This Bulletin supersedes NARA Bulletin 2011-02: Guidance on Managing Records in Web 2.0/Social Media Platforms.  This Bulletin was written with feedback from a wide variety of stakeholders, including OMB, the Federal Records Council, Federal agencies, and the public. We thank everyone for … Continue reading Social Media Bulletin Issued

Opportunity for Comment: NARA Bulletin on Managing Social Media Records

We are requesting comments on a draft of an upcoming NARA Bulletin on Managing Social Media Records. This draft Bulletin will supersede NARA Bulletin 2011-02: Guidance on Managing Records in Web 2.0/Social Media Platforms and provides high-level requirements and best practices for capturing records created when agencies use social media. This use may result in … Continue reading Opportunity for Comment: NARA Bulletin on Managing Social Media Records

ACT-IAC Releases Study on Social Media Retention Policies

This morning, an event is being held at the National Archives in Washington, DC  to announce the release of an American Council for Technology (ACT) Industry Action Advisory Council (IAC) report on Best Practices Study of Social Media Retention Policies (.pdf link). The report was produced by the IAC Collaboration and Transformation Shared Interest Group. … Continue reading ACT-IAC Releases Study on Social Media Retention Policies

Toolkit Spotlight – New York Preliminary Guidance on Social Media

This month, our Toolkit for Managing Electronic Records spotlight returns to illustrate how the Toolkit incorporates materials from anywhere. While we released our Web 2.0 Bulletin to heads of Federal agencies in October, (see: Guidance on Managing Records in Web 2.0/Social Media Platforms) other archival and records management programs have been working on similar guidance. … Continue reading Toolkit Spotlight – New York Preliminary Guidance on Social Media

New IBM Center for Technology in Government Report

The IBM Center for Technology in the Business of Government recently released a report entitled How Federal Agencies Can Effectively Manage Records Created Using New Social Media Tools. This report identifies challenges for records management that arise from the increasing use of social media and web 2.0 by Federal agencies and offers several recommendations and … Continue reading New IBM Center for Technology in Government Report

Web 2.0/Social Media Bulletin Issued!

We are pleased to announce that NARA Bulletin 2011-02 has just been issued. This bulletin provides guidance on managing Federal records produced when agencies use web 2.0/social media platforms.  Open and transparent government increasingly relies on the use of these technologies and as agencies adopt these tools, they must be aware of and comply with … Continue reading Web 2.0/Social Media Bulletin Issued!