Career Development (K) Awards

Career Development (K) Awards

Table of Contents


NIAID offers a variety of individual research career development (K) awards, which enable scientists with diverse backgrounds to enhance their careers in biomedical research. Individual K awards can also have positive effects on your publication record and subsequent receipt of NIH grants (e.g., R01).

To help you decide which award best suits your needs, see the Support by Career Stage—Ph.D. Track and Support by Career Stage—M.D. Track sections of Training and Career Development Grant Programs.

Keep in mind that except for the K99/R00 programs, all K awards require either U.S. citizenship or permanent residency status (Alien Registration Receipt Card, Form I-551). People on temporary or student visas are not eligible. 

Note: NIAID will not accept K-series applications proposing to conduct new, independent clinical trials, except for the NIAID Physician-Scientists K99/R00 program.  For more details see the Pathway to Independence Awards (K99/R00) SOP.

Types of K Awards at NIAID

NIAID supports the following career development awards:

  • Mentored Research Scientist Development Award (Parent K01 - Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
  • Mentored Clinical Scientist Research Career Development Award (Parent K08 - Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
  • NIAID Career Transition Award (K22)
  • Mentored Patient-Oriented Research Career Development Award (Parent K23 - Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
  • Limited Competition: Small Research Grant Program for NIAID K01/K08/K23 Recipients (R03) 
  • Midcareer Investigator Award in Patient-Oriented Research (Parent K24 - Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
  • Mentored Quantitative Research Development Award (Parent K25 - Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
  • NIH Pathway to Independence Award (Parent K99/R00 - Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
  • NIAID Physician-Scientist Pathway to Independence Award (PS K99/R00)
  • Mentored Research Scientist Development Award (K01)—To qualify, you must have a research or health-professional doctoral degree, and your research development plans must be in epidemiology, computational modeling, and/or outcomes research.
  • Mentored Clinical Scientist Research Career Development Award (K08)—To qualify, you'll need current work in biomedical or behavioral research, including translational research, a clinical doctoral degree such as M.D., D.V.M., or O.D., and a professional license to practice in the United States.
  • NIAID Career Transition Award (K22)—To apply, you must be a postdoctoral scientist with no more than five years of postdoctoral training experience at the time of submission or resubmission with plans to apply for an assistant professorship (tenure-track or equivalent) at an academic institution.
    • The following circumstances are not considered part of the five-year eligibility limit:
      1. Parental leave or other well-justified leave for personal or family situations (e.g., family care responsibilities, disability or illness, active military duty) of generally less than 12 months duration.
      2. Time spent conducting postgraduate clinical training or other well-justified training that does not involve research.
      3. Time spent gaining select agent approval and completing biosafety level 4 (BSL-4) training.
    • Email Dr. Shawn Gaillard to seek approval to submit a proposal beyond the five-year postdoctoral eligibility. Approval is considered on a on a case-by-case basis
    • Note: If you are not affiliated with an organization, you may still apply to the NIAID K22 program. Read Special Registration Instructions for Unaffiliated/Independent Applicants.
  • Mentored Patient-Oriented Research Career Development Award (K23)—You're eligible to apply if you have a clinical doctorate, completed specialty or subspecialty training, and perform research that requires direct work with patients. The proposed research must be in patient-oriented research as defined in the funding opportunity announcement.
  • Limited Competition: Small Research Grant Program for NIAID K01/K08/K23 Recipients (R03) is open only to NIAID K01, K08, and K23 awardees to apply at some point during the final two years of their K award (including those in a no-cost extension period) for the NIH small research grant (R03). The R03 support is used as a “bridge” to an R01 (or other externally funded investigator-initiated independent research grants) after K support. 
  • Midcareer Investigator Award in Patient-Oriented Research (K24)—To qualify, you must be an established clinician or Ph.D. who is committed to patient-oriented research and has concurrent research support, such as R01, clinical trial or pharmaceutical company funding, or the equivalent. You should have completed clinical training within the past 15 years, although NIAID allows some flexibility on this requirement. Email Dr. Shawn Gaillard to determine your eligibility.
  • Mentored Quantitative Research Development Award (K25)—To qualify, you must be at the postdoctoral level to senior faculty level with an advanced degree in engineering or quantitative sciences, such as Ph.D. or M.S.E.E. You must also show evidence of productivity in your field and a desire to expand your research capability into biomedical research areas. Former principal investigators on NIH research projects or subprojects and previous recipients of certain awards are not eligible; see the funding opportunity announcement for a complete list of exclusions.
  • NIH Pathway to Independence Award (Parent K99/R00)—To qualify, you must have a clinical or research doctorate and no more than four years of postdoctoral research training as of the relevant application due date regardless of whether the application is new or a resubmission.
    • For further details, see our Pathway to Independence Awards (K99/R00) SOP. You do not have to be a U.S. citizen or a permanent U.S. resident. Since we fund very few K99/R00 awards, consider applying for a K22 if you are a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. Contact Dr. Shawn Gaillard if you have questions about the program.
    • Only time dedicated to research activities counts toward the four-year limit. The following circumstances are not considered part of the four-year eligibility limit:
      1. Parental or other well-justified leave.
      2. Time spent conducting postgraduate clinical training or other well-justified training that does not involve research.
      3. Time spent gaining select agent approval and completing biosafety level 4 (BSL-4) training.
    • Email Dr. Shawn Gaillard to seek approval to submit a proposal beyond the four-year postdoctoral eligibility. Approval is considered on a on a case-by-case basis
  • NIAID Physician-Scientist Pathway to Independence (PS K99/R00) – To qualify, you must have a clinical doctorate degree (M.D., D.O., D.D.S, D.M.D., D.V.M., V.M.D.) or be a nurse with a research doctoral degree with no more than four years of postdoctoral research training as of the relevant application due date regardless of whether the application is new or a resubmission. 
    • For further details, see our Pathway to Independence Awards (K99/R00) SOP. You do not have to be a U.S. citizen or a permanent U.S. resident. Since we fund very few K99/R00 awards, consider applying for a K22 if you are a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. Contact Dr. Shawn Gaillard if you have questions about the program.
    • Only time dedicated to research activities counts toward the four-year limit. The following circumstances are not considered part of the four-year eligibility limit:
      1. Parental or other well-justified leave.
      2. Time spent conducting postgraduate clinical training or other well-justified training that does not involve research.
      3. Time spent gaining select agent approval and completing biosafety level 4 (BSL-4) training.
    • Email Dr. Shawn Gaillard to seek approval to submit a proposal beyond the four-year postdoctoral eligibility. Approval is considered on a case-by-case basis
    • Unlike all other NIAID-supported K programs, the PS K99/R00 accepts applications proposing to conduct independent clinical trials.  For more details see the Pathway to Independence Awards (K99/R00) SOP.
    • At least one proposed Specific Aim must be in clinical or translational research .

Mentored individual K awards (K01, K08, K22, K23, K25, and K99/R00) require at least 75 percent effort (nine person months) of the professional time devoted to the funded K award.

  • For effort directly committed to the K award, salary supplementation is allowable but must be from non-federal sources unless explicitly authorized by the federal program from which such funds are derived as described in Section 12.8.1 of the NIH Grants Policy Statement.
  • The remaining effort (up to 25 percent) can be divided among other research, clinical, and teaching activities only if these activities are consistent with the goals of the mentored K award.
  • K award recipients may devote effort, with compensation, on federal or non-federal sources as the Program Director/Principal Investigator (PD/PI) or in another role (e.g., co-investigator), as long as the Specific Aims of the other supporting grant(s) differ from those of the K award.

In the last two years, with prior approval, NIH permits K awardees to receive concurrent salary support from any peer-reviewed grant if the following criteria are met:

  • The K award recipient must be one of the named PIs on a competing NIH research grant application (e.g., R01, R03, R15, R21, R34) or a sub-project director on a competing multi-component research or center grant or cooperative agreement application (e.g., P01, P50, U01) or an equivalent application from another federal agency or non-federal (private) source.
  • The K award must be in its final two years before the reduction in effort to a minimum of six person months (50 percent full-time professional effort) is permitted.
  • The K award must be active when the competing research grant application is submitted.

NIAID will adjust the total salary support committed to the K award consistent with the adjusted level of effort.

Note: NIAID K22, NIAID Physician Scientist K99/R00 and K99/R00 awardees must provide strong justification and institutional assurance that the additional research responsibilities of concurrent salary support will be beneficial to their overall career development.

Understanding Award Specifics

Before applying for an NIAID career development award, review the levels of support, funding periods, and effort requirements to ensure that the award will meet your needs. Other NIH institutes may offer different levels of support.

What Do Career Development Awards Pay For?

All NIAID career development awards include fringe benefits. Awards provide

  • Maximum salary—$75,000 for K01, K25, and both K99/R00s; $100,000 for K08 and K23; for K24s, salary is based on full-time institutional salary up to the current NIH salary cap multiplied by the percentage of effort plus fringe benefits.
  • Maximum research support—$20,000 for K25; $25,000 for K01 and both K99s; $50,000 for K08, K23, and K24.
  • Direct costs—K22s provide $150,000 in the first year and $100,000 in the second year. Up to $50,000 of the award can be devoted to the PI's salary each year; the rest can be spent in any way.

See Quick Facts on Career Development Awards section below for more information.

What Is the Funding Duration?

Career development funding provides support for

  • K01, K08, K23, K24, K25—Three to five years. Junior applicants generally get five years of support; more senior-level applicants, three years.
  • K22—Two years.
  • K99s—NIAID awards up to two years.
  • R00s – NIAID awards up to two years.

Are K Awards Renewable?

Except for K24s, K awards are not renewable. NIAID expects K awardees to move on to independent research support, such as an R01. Therefore, for competing research applications, NIH policy allows award recipients in the last two years of their support period to hold concurrent support from their career K award and a competing research grant. See Types of K Awards at NIAID or the Career Development Grants SOP for more information.

You can renew a K24 award once if you continue to have independent peer-reviewed, patient-oriented research support when you submit the competing renewal application. Also, you may apply for a renewal even if you were promoted to full professor during the time of your initial award.

If you request a renewal, you must meet the original award's remaining requirements.

What Minimum Effort Requirements Apply?

K01, K08, K22, K23, K25, and Parent K99 awards all require at least 75 percent effort (nine-person months) of the professional time devoted to the funded K award. Although you can use the other three-person months (or 25 percent) for clinical and other duties, non-federal  funds must pay for that time.

The NIAID Physician-Scientist Pathway to Independence Award (PS K99/R00) requires at least 50 percent effort (or six-person months) devoted to the K award.

The Midcareer Investigator Award in Patient-Oriented Research (K24) requires levels of effort between 25 and 50 percent (or three - to six-person months) professional time devoted to the funded K award.  The percent effort spent on all K awards is expected to be full-time effort that’s supported by NIAID through the K award, and you are generally expected to have a full-time appointment at the organization applying for the grant. You can now meet the effort requirement with your full-time position while simultaneously holding another position part-time. For details see the Career Development Grants SOP.

Changes to Appointment and Percent Effort

For valid reasons, such as personal or family situations, you may change your appointment to part-time or reduce your percent effort. Both need NIAID approval.

For more information on these and other adjustments you can request, see the Career Development Grants SOP.

Applying for a Career Development Award

Submit your application electronically using the NIH Application Submission System and Interface for Submission Tracking (ASSIST) or another one of the NIH Submission Options. Check with your business office to see what approach it uses. Follow the instructions in the relevant funding opportunity announcement below and the supplemental instructions for K applications in the SF 424 Application Guide.

AIDS and non-AIDS applications have different due dates. See the Standard Due Dates for Competing Applications.

Sending Materials Post-Submission

You may send certain materials after you have submitted your application and before initial peer review. For career development awards, this includes a summary to update your sponsor's funding information.

Send no more than one page to your scientific review officer by 30 days before the review meeting. Include a note from your business office stating its concurrence or ask your authorized organizational representative to send the information on your behalf. 

For more information, see Send Post-Submission Materials.

What Are Your Chances of Succeeding?

Find success rates for each K award at Success Rates on NIH RePORT.

Find more data and statistics at NIH Extramural Training Mechanisms.

Advice for Applicants

The career development award category is broad, and special rules may apply for your award. Read the program announcement carefully, and consider the following advice as you prepare your application.


  • Apply only if you are doing research in the fields of epidemiology, computational modeling, and outcomes research.
  • If you are junior in terms of your research career, you are still eligible for this award.

K08 and K23

  • Apply if you are a physician-scientist who wants to focus on research and hone laboratory and clinical skills.
  • You'll need a strong CV, including an outstanding academic record and letters of recommendation. Spend time developing a state-of-the-art Research Plan and show that you have strong institutional commitment, such as a promised faculty appointment after your award term.
  • When choosing your mentor, select a top-notch scientist with superior funding, robust publication history, and the time and interest to mentor you. Ask your mentor to read and edit your application. For additional information about mentors and advice on writing an application below in the Application Advice for Mentored Ks section.
  • If you have a substantial publication record in the field and are at the assistant professor level, you may want to consider applying for an R01 instead.


  • In the first phase of the application process, submit a CV that details your career goals, a Research Plan, and three recommendations.
  • Within a year of receiving a fundable score, you must obtain an offer of an assistant professorship at an academic institution. Just having the K22 can help with this—it shows you can already get NIAID funding on your own.
  • To qualify for the second phase, you'll need to show that your position offers an assistant professorship, your own laboratory, significant start-up funds, and minimal teaching or other responsibilities.


  • Apply if you want to mentor or teach young scientists engaged in clinical research.
  • You should be in the midcareer stage at the associate professor level; email Dr. Shawn Gaillard to best determine your eligibility.
  • Clearly explain why you want this additional funding and describe your plans to mentor or sponsor junior researchers.
  • You must be an R01-supported (or the equivalent) investigator at the time you submit a K24 application. 


  • Reviewers expect less detail in your Research Plan because most K25 applicants aren't highly experienced researchers in the biomedical, behavioral, or clinical research areas.


  • NIAID encourages applications requesting up to two years for the K99 and two years of support for the independent R00 phase of the award. We also make very few awards for both the Parent K99/R00 and the PS K99/R00.
  • Include in your application a career development plan, Research Plan with a description of the project you will pursue in the R00 phase, and at least three letters of reference.
  • During the initial mentored (K99) phase, you must secure a tenure-track, full-time assistant professor position at an academic institution.
  • To qualify for the independent investigator (R00) phase, your division or department chair will need to submit a letter demonstrating the institution's commitment to you by providing protected research time, space, facilities, and support needed to conduct the proposed research.
  • For more information, see our Pathway to Independence Awards (K99/R00) SOP.

Writing a Career Development Award Application

Before jumping in to write your application, carefully read the relevant funding opportunity announcement and follow the supplemental instructions for K applications in the SF 424 Application Guide, including guidelines for page limits.

NIAID will peer review your application. For an overview of the peer review process and to learn about review criteria so you can create a strong application, read Review Process.

Address Peer Review Criteria

Peer reviewers will assess your potential based on your CV, research and career plans, and, except for K24, reference letters. Make sure your CV highlights your past successes, and your research and career plans illustrate your commitment and potential for future contributions.

Your reference letters should come from people who are familiar with your qualifications, training, and interest. For further details, including how letters should be submitted and by when, see our Career Development Grants SOP or read the supplemental instructions for K applications in the SF 424 Application Guide.

Reviewers will evaluate the institution where the proposed research will be conducted. They'll consider whether your institution has suitable facilities and is committed to your development as an investigator.

For mentored positions, reviewers will assess your mentor's career and research supervision record, and whether his or her work and experience are relevant to your proposed Research Plan.

Read the relevant funding opportunity announcement for specific peer review criteria. To see the guidelines reviewers follow for each type of career development award, go to the K Awards (Career Development) section of NIH’s Guidelines, Critique Templates, and Review Criteria.

Align Your Career Development Plan to Your Professional Goals

A great program and stellar academic record help, but to get the best score, you need to show reviewers that you can establish a research career.

Your career development plan is as important as your Research Plan, so spend a lot of time and effort on developing it. Be sure to

  • Justify your need for a K award and explain how it will be a vital step toward your ultimate career goal and move you toward scientific research independence (e.g., as an R01 investigator).
  • Specify training and courses that you will participate in, how often you'll meet with consultants, and how all of this will help you reach your objectives.
  • Stress your commitment to a career in biomedical or behavioral research (for a K08, K22, and K99/R00), patient-oriented research (K23 and K24), clinical or translational research (PS K99/R00 where at least one Specific Aim must be in this area), or integration of biomedicine and quantitative science (K25).

Read the relevant FOA for other elements you should include in the career development plan.

Design Your Research Plan Carefully

Reviewers will look closely at your Research Plan, which has two parts: Specific Aims and Research Strategy. They will evaluate whether it is appropriate for and tailored to your experience level and if it allows you to develop the skills and knowledge needed for further career advancement.

Your Research Plan needs to demonstrate innovation, address potential limitations, and indicate the skills you will gain during the course of your research.

Make sure you relate the proposed research to your scientific career goals, and you are able to achieve your objectives in the time you request.

Read more advice at Write Your Research Plan.

Adhere to NIH Public Access Policy

As part of NIH public access policy, you must list PubMed Central (PMC) identification numbers when citing a peer-reviewed journal article you have authored or coauthored and that resulted from an NIH-funded award. See our Public Access of Publications SOP for more information.

In the Bibliography and References Cited section of the Research Plan, provide a bibliography of any references cited in the Project Summary and Relevance section on Form Page 2. Also list all publications in the Biographical Sketch.

Document Training on Responsible Conduct of Research

Make sure you've included a plan for instruction in responsible research conduct. If you fail to include one, your application will be considered incomplete and won't be reviewed until you provide an acceptable plan of instruction.

Read the Responsible Conduct of Research: Training SOP for more information.

Know New Rigor and Reproducibility Requirements

Be sure to address rigor and reproducibility. Learn more on the NIH Rigor and Reproducibility page.

Application Advice for Mentored Ks

If you are interested in applying for a mentored K, the following tips may help you write an application that will fare favorably with peer reviewers and garner a fundable score.

1. Form a strong mentoring team. Should you need or want a mentoring team, i.e., mentor and co-mentors, find people who have expertise in your area of research. For multidisciplinary research, make sure your team covers all the scientific bases. Peer reviewers will check to see that your mentors' work and experience are relevant to your project. (Note: Though you may have only one mentor, we use the term "mentors" here for simplicity's sake.)

2. Pick mentors who are accessible. If any of the people you're thinking of choosing as mentors is away a lot or too busy, move on to someone else. You want someone who will be around to answer your questions and provide guidance—and have the time to meet your needs.

Make it crystal clear in your application that your mentors have enough time to devote to you. This is especially important if several people from your research group are submitting applications.

It's fine to have members of your mentoring team who aren't at your institution. However, you need to demonstrate their commitment to supporting you and provide a plan to communicate regularly.

3. Highlight mentor funding. A mentored K award provides partial salary and only modest funds for research supplies. Therefore, ideally, your mentors should be well-funded (preferably by NIH) so that money from the K supplements their research funding.

Point out that your mentors are active, funded investigators to show peer reviewers that they are conducting original research—research that complements yours.

4. Create a solid Research Plan. Don't skimp on the Research Plan thinking that because you're writing a K (not an R01) application reviewers will be lenient. They won't. Ask important research questions, and use the Research Plan as a vehicle to get preliminary data for a future R01.

5. Accentuate activities. Describe how career development or training activities will lead to your independence and state how your future research will be independent from your mentors' work. We strongly recommend that you provide a career development timeline, including plans to apply for subsequent grant support.

6. Get good reference and institutional letters. Since reviewers will scrutinize reference letters, be sure to ask people who are familiar with your qualifications, training, and interests.

You should also get a strong letter from your institution that speaks to its commitment to your development into a productive, independent investigator. Officials must agree to provide adequate time and support to you for the period of the K award.

7. Obtain strong mentor statements. Be sure your mentor statements convey your mentors' wholehearted support of you. If you don't think that's important, here's a real-world example:

A mentor whose personal style wasn't effusive wrote a terse letter that reviewers interpreted as lack of interest in the candidate. In fact, the mentor was quite supportive of the applicant and had to change his style when writing the letter for the resubmission.

Each mentor must explain how he or she will contribute to the development of your research career and discuss the research as well as other activities, e.g., seminars and presentations at scientific meetings.

Mentor statements from those who aren't at your institution should also describe their commitment to you and how frequently you will communicate.

8. Demonstrate productivity. Reviewers look closely at your productivity, e.g., number of publications, first or last author. If you're lacking in this area, explain your role on other projects.

For example, perhaps you were part of a clinical trial project that doesn't allow papers until the trial ends. Or, maybe you were involved in activities that demonstrate your leadership but don't lend themselves to publications (e.g., helping to set up an HIV research clinic in South Africa).

9. Justify sample size. In this case, size matters, especially if your project is a "spin off" of your mentors'. Explain why you are studying, for instance, 50 samples and why those in particular if they are a subset of a larger study. Get input from a biostatistician if this isn't your strength.

10. Address human subjects. Avoid this common mistake: completing the human subjects research section using the description from a mentor's grant application. That description may not apply to what you'll be doing with your K award.

Example: don't give the impression that you are conducting a phase 3 clinical trial when it's actually your mentors doing so. Make sure to complete the Human Subjects section from the perspective of the specific research you are conducting under the K award, such as using samples from the trial or doing a substudy on subjects from it. Be sure to include letters of permission, e.g., for using samples or conducting a substudy.

11. Get up-to-date on responsible conduct of research. Do you know what your plan for instruction in responsible research conduct (RCR) should cover? Don't rely on samples or information from previous K awardees that might not reflect the latest RCR requirements. Get the latest details in our Responsible Conduct of Research: Training SOP.

12. Get mentors to review your application. We highly recommend that you have your mentors (especially your primary mentor) give your application an once-over to check for thoroughness, consistency, and effective presentation.

Should reviewers see problems in proposed lab work or other areas, they may regard it as a lack of mentor involvement. You don't want them to think, "If the mentor didn't bother to work with the candidate during the application process, how engaged will he or she be during the award?"

Learn more at Know What to Look for When Choosing a Mentor.

Progress Reports for Career Development Awards

Every year, you'll need to submit a Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) to continue NIH support of your career development award. Remember to do the following:

  • Check the guidelines for your award to determine if you should complete biographical sketches for new key personnel and other significant contributors.
  • Include other support for the career award recipient, mentor, cosponsors, and key personnel only if the support has changed since the previous submission.
  • Describe courses and other activities that enhanced your research skills.
  • Describe activities other than research and training in the past year.
  • Address Rigor and Reproducibility.
  • Note activities planned for the next year.
  • If you have a mentored career development award—K01, K08, K23, or K25—include a Mentor's Report. Your mentor's comments help your program officer determine whether NIAID should continue your funding. Give your mentor plenty of time to write feedback on your performance, and make sure he or she signs the report.

We need to get your progress report on time—late or sending incomplete reports could delay your award.

For more information about progress reporting, read Reporting Requirements During Your Grant.

Quick Facts on Career Development Awards

Mentored Research Scientist Development Award

Award Type

Mentored Research Scientist Development Award (Parent K01 – Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Award Specifics

Duration of three to five years, not renewable.

Salary up to $75,000 (if institutional base salary is equivalent or more) plus fringe benefits.

Research support of $25,000 each year.

Facilities and administrative costs based on eight percent of modified total direct costs.

Minimum nine-person months (or 75 percent) effort required each year.

In the last two years of a K01 award, NIH permits concurrent salary support from a peer-reviewed grant from any federal agency if 1) your K award is active, and 2) you are a PI on a competing research project grant or director of a subproject on a multicomponent grant from NIH or another federal agency.

Moreover, NIAID offers the Limited Competition: Small Research Grant Program for NIAID K01/K08/K23 Recipients (R03) that provides NIAID-supported K01, K08, and K23 recipients with the opportunity to apply for Small Research Grant (R03) support at some point during the final two years of their K award. Through the use of this mechanism, NIAID seeks to enhance the capability of these award recipients to conduct research as they complete their transition to fully independent investigator status (e.g., R01 support).

Applicant Profile

Research or health-professional doctoral degree holders with research plans in epidemiology, computational modeling techniques, and outcomes research only, as further described in the March 13, 2017 Guide notice.

Applicants who are more junior in terms of their research career.


Institution must have a well-established research and clinical career development program and qualified faculty in clinical or basic research to serve as mentors.

Mentor is recognized as an accomplished investigator in the proposed research area and has a track record of success in training independent investigators.

Proposes a period of study and career development consistent with previous research experience.

NIAID will not accept K01 applications proposing to conduct an independent clinical trial.

Mentored Clinical Scientist Research Career Development Award

Award Type

Mentored Clinical Scientist Research Career Development Award (Parent K08 – Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Award Specifics

Duration of three to five years, not renewable. Award length depends on experience.

Salary up to $100,000 (if institutional base salary is equivalent or more) plus fringe benefits.

Research support of $50,000 each year.

Facilities and administrative costs based on eight percent of modified total direct costs.

In the last two years of an award, NIH permits concurrent salary support from a peer-reviewed grant from any federal agency if 1) your K award is active, and 2) you are a PI on a competing research project grant or director of a subproject on a multicomponent grant from NIH or another federal agency.

Moreover, NIAID offers the Limited Competition: Small Research Grant Program for NIAID K01/K08/K23 Recipients (R03) that provides NIAID-supported K01, K08, and K23 recipients with the opportunity to apply for Small Research Grant (R03) support at some point during the final two years of their K award. Through the use of this mechanism, NIAID seeks to enhance the capability of these award recipients to conduct research as they complete their transition to fully independent investigator status (e.g., R01 support).

Applicant Profile

Commitment to a career in biomedical or behavioral research.

Clinical doctoral degree such as M.D., D.V.M., or O.D., a professional license to practice in the United States, and current work in biomedical or behavioral research, including translational research.


Three main elements to success

  1. Strong CV, with outstanding academic record and letters of recommendation.
  2. Mentor who is a top-notch scientist with superior funding, robust publication history, and the time and interest to mentor the investigator.
  3. State-of-the-art Research Plan and strong institutional commitment, such as a promised faculty appointment after the award term.

NIAID will not accept K08 applications proposing to conduct an independent clinical trial.

NIAID Career Transition Award

Award Type

NIAID Career Transition Award (K22)

Award Specifics

Duration of two years, not renewable.

Direct costs of $150,000 in the first year and $100,000 in the second year. Up to $50,000 of the award can be spent on the PI's salary each year (exclusive of fringe benefits); the remainder is at the PI’s discretion to utilize the award per the research described in the application. (Salary for mentors, secretarial and administrative assistants, etc. is not allowed). If funds are not needed for the PI’s salary support, they may be used for research expenses.

Facilities and administrative costs based on eight percent of modified total direct costs.

Minimum nine-person months (or 75 percent) effort required each year.

Applicant Profile

Postdoc with no more than five years of postdoctoral research experience at the time of application submission or resubmission.


In the first of two application phases, applicant submits a CV that details career goals, a Research Plan, and three letters of recommendations.

Within a year of receiving a fundable score, investigator must be offered a tenure-track assistant professorship at a U.S. academic institution. To qualify for the second phase, he or she must show that the position offers an assistant professorship, laboratory, significant start-up funds, and minimal teaching or other responsibilities.

Unaffiliated applicants should read Special Registration Instructions for Unaffiliated/Independent Applicants.

NIAID will not accept K22 applications proposing to conduct an independent clinical trial.

Mentored Patient-Oriented Research Career Development Award

Award Type

Mentored Patient-Oriented Research Career Development Award (Parent K23 – Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Award Specifics

Duration of three to five years, not renewable.

Salary up to $100,000 (if institutional base salary is equivalent or more) plus fringe benefits.

Research support of $50,000 each year.

Facilities and administrative costs based on eight percent of modified total direct costs.

Minimum nine-person months (or 75 percent) effort required each year.

In the last two years of an award, NIH permits concurrent salary support from a peer-reviewed grant from any federal agency if 1) your K award is active, and 2) you are a PI on a competing research project grant or director of a subproject on a multicomponent grant from NIH or another federal agency.

Moreover, NIAID offers the Limited Competition: Small Research Grant Program for NIAID K01/K08/K23 Recipients (R03) that provides NIAID-supported K01, K08, and K23 recipients with the opportunity to apply for Small Research Grant (R03) support at some point during the final two years of their K award. Through the use of this mechanism, NIAID seeks to enhance the capability of these award recipients to conduct research as they complete their transition to fully independent investigator status (e.g., R01 support).

Applicant Profile

Commitment to a career in biomedical or behavioral research.

You're eligible if you have a clinical doctorate, completed specialty or subspecialty training, and perform research that requires direct work with patients.


Three main elements to success:

  1. Strong CV, with outstanding academic record and letters of recommendation.
  2. Mentor who is a top-notch scientist with superior funding, robust publication history, and the time and interest to mentor the investigator.
  3. State-of-the-art Research Plan and strong institutional commitment, such as a promised faculty appointment after the award term.

NIAID will not accept K23 applications proposing to conduct an independent clinical trial.

Midcareer Investigator Award in Patient-Oriented Research

Award Type

Midcareer Investigator Award in Patient-Oriented Research (Parent K24 – Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Award Specifics

Duration of three to five years (minimum of three), renewable.

Salary is based on full-time institutional salary up to the current NIH salary cap multiplied by the percentage of effort plus fringe benefits.

Research development costs of up to $50,000 each year.

Facilities and administrative costs based on eight percent of modified total direct costs.

Minimum effort of three- to six-person months (or 50 percent) effort required each year.

Applicant Profile

Midcareer (typically at the associate professor level) holders of a health-professional doctoral degree or its equivalent (e.g., M.D., D.O., D.D.S., D.M.D., O.D., D.C., PharmD., N.D. (Doctor of Naturopathy) or a doctoral degree in nursing who have completed clinical training within the past 15 years, although NIAID allows some flexibility on this requirement. Individuals with a Ph.D. or other doctoral degree in clinical disciplines such as clinical psychology, nursing, clinical genetics, speech-language pathology, audiology, or rehabilitation are also eligible. Candidates must be committed to patient-oriented research and have concurrent research support, such as R01 or the equivalent or pharmaceutical company funding. Interest in mentoring or teaching young physicians in clinical research.


Incorporates 75 percent science and 25 percent mentoring, teaching, and career development, not straight science like an R01.

Includes strong justification for additional funding and plans for mentoring or sponsoring junior researchers.

NIAID will not accept K24 applications proposing to conduct an independent clinical trial.

Mentored Quantitative Research Development Award

Award Type

Mentored Quantitative Research Development Award (Parent K25 – Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Award Specifics

Duration of three to five years (minimum of three), not renewable.

Salary up to $75,000 (if institutional base salary is equivalent or more) plus fringe benefits.

Research development costs of $20,000 each year.

Facilities and administrative costs based on eight percent of modified total direct costs.

Minimum nine-person months (or 75 percent) effort required each year.

In the last two years of a K25 award, NIH permits concurrent salary support from a peer-reviewed grant from any federal agency if 1) your K award is active, and 2) you are a PI on a competing research project grant or director of a subproject on a multicomponent grant from NIH or another federal agency.

Applicant Profile

Quantitative research-oriented investigators at any level of experience, from the postdoctoral level to senior faculty level, who 1) have shown clear evidence of productivity and research excellence in the field of their training and 2) would like to expand their research capability with the goal of making significant contributions to behavioral, biomedical (basic or clinical), bioimaging or bioengineering research. 

Candidates must have an advanced degree in a quantitative area of science or engineering (e.g., M.S.E.E., Ph.D., D.Sc.) and have demonstrated research interests in their primary quantitative discipline. 

Former PIs on NIH research projects or subprojects and previous recipients of certain awards aren't eligible.


Less detailed Research Plan suffices because peer reviewers recognize investigator's limited experience.

NIAID will not accept K25 applications proposing to conduct an independent clinical trial.

Pathway to Independence Awards

Award Types

NIH Pathway to Independence Award (Parent K99/R00 - Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

NIAID Physician-Scientist Pathway to Independence Award (K99/R00)

Award Specifics

NIAID encourages applications requesting up to two years for the K99 and two years of support for the independent R00 phase of the award, not renewable.

Salary up to $75,000 (if institutional base salary is equivalent or more) plus fringe benefits.

Research development costs up to $25,000 each year.

For K99 phase, facilities and administrative costs based on eight percent of modified total direct costs.

Minimum nine-person months (or 75 percent) effort required each year for the Parent K99/R00. 

Minimum six-person months (or 50 percent) effort required each year for the PS K99/R00. 

Applicant Profile

Parent K99/R00: Clinical or research doctoral degree with no more than four years of postdoctoral research training as of the relevant application due date regardless of whether the application is new or a resubmission and with plans to apply for a tenure-track assistant professorship at an academic institution.

For further details, including how this affects resubmissions, see our Pathway to Independence Awards (K99/R00) SOP.

PS K99/R00: Clinical doctoral degree (M.D., D.O., D.D.S., D.M.D., D.V.M., V.M.D.) or nurses with research doctoral degrees with no more than four years of postdoctoral research training as of the relevant application due date regardless of whether the application is new or a resubmission and with plans to apply for a tenure-track assistant professorship at an U.S. academic institution.

For further details, including how this affects resubmissions, see our Pathway to Independence Awards (K99/R00) SOP.


Should include a Career Development Plan, Research Plan with a description of the project to be pursued in the R00 phase, and at least three letters of reference. During the initial mentored (K99) phase, the investigator must secure a tenure-track, full-time assistant professor position at an academic institution.

To qualify for the independent investigator (R00) phase, the investigator's division or department chair will need to submit a letter demonstrating the institution's commitment to the investigator by providing protected research time, space, facilities, and other support needed to conduct the proposed research.

For the PS K99/R00, at least one Specific Aim must be in clinical or translational research.

NIAID will not accept Parent K99/R00 applications proposing to conduct an independent clinical trial.

However, the Institute will accept PS K99/R00 applications proposing to conduct an independent clinical trial.

Have Questions?

If you have questions about our career development programs, contact Dr. Shawn Gaillard.


For general grants management questions about K awards, contact Mable Nee

Content last reviewed on January 2, 2019