City and County Sites

Two boys wearing goggles and capes

We Can!® created a city/county program in 2007 so that local government leaders could be recognized for their efforts to engage local partners, conduct multiple events and trainings, and promote them through the media. Please note that this program is undergoing a transition.  If you have any questions, please contact the NHLBI Health Information Center.

You can read some of the case studies from We Can!® cities and counties.

Last Updated: July, 2014

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City and County Sites

Two boys wearing goggles and capes

We Can!® created a city/county program in 2007 so that local government leaders could be recognized for their efforts to engage local partners, conduct multiple events and trainings, and promote them through the media. Please note that this program is undergoing a transition.  If you have any questions, please contact the NHLBI Health Information Center.

You can read some of the case studies from We Can!® cities and counties.

Last Updated: July 23, 2013