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Media Contacts

Our communications staff are here to answer your questions about L&I's programs and services.

If you have questions about ... Contact
General agency information, legislative issues. Tim Church
Public Affairs Manager
Workers' compensation insurance – employer services Tim Church
Public Affairs Manager
Workers' compensation claims – medical providers Barbara Davis
Workplace safety and health Frank Ameduri
Injured Young Workers Speakers Program Xenofon Moniodis
Contractor registration
Fraud prevention and investigations
Plumber certification
Underground economy
Debby Abe
Apprenticeship and prevailing wage
Boiler inspections
Electrical inspections and licensing
Manufactured home (factory-assembled structures)
Prevailing wage
Wage-and-hour topics: minimum wage, overtime, minor workers, and wage claims
Matthew Erlich
Small business outreach
Kayla Burr
Director of Community Relations Uriel Iniguez

Facts and Figures

L&I is a diverse state agency dedicated to the safety, health and security of Washington workers and protecting the public from unsafe work and economic hardship.


See the complete list of L&I facts and figures (253 KB PDF).
(Last update: Dec. 2017)

2017 figures

  • Workers' compensation insurance provided for 176,000 employers and 2.9 million workers.
  • Workplace safety and health inspections or consultations: 6,586.
  • Unpaid wages collected: $3.5 million.
  • Electrical wiring jobs inspected: 238,496.
  • Boilers/pressure vessels inspected: 18,380.
  • Elevators/escalators inspected: 8,711.
  • New apprentice registrations: 5,058.

For information about workers' compensation figures, see Your Premium Dollars at Work (2016) (F200-027-000):

  • An accounting of how State Fund premium dollars are spent.
  • Workers' Compensation Statistics at a Glance.

Public Data and Look-Up Tools

View and download public data

L&I Public Data
Rates and Rating
Description Location
Experience rating parameters

These files contain information on the various factors used in Calculating a Firm's Experience Modification Factor.
Workers' comp insurance rates

These files contain information on the base rates for workers' compensation. The base rates reflect rates prior to the application of experience factors.

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Injury and Fatality Statistics
Description Location
BLS injury and fatality statistics.
Data from the Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics Injuries, Illnesses, and Fatalities (IIF) program.

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Medical Provider Reports
Description Location
Provider Network Status Report (PNSR)

Downloadable data set containing information about providers' L&I Medical Provider Network (MPN) status.

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Self-Insurance Files
Description Location
Self-insured employers list

An alphabetic list of self-insured employers with their contact phone numbers.
Third Party Administrators (TPA) contact information

An alphabetic list of Third Party Administrators and their contact phone numbers.

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Workers' Comp Files
Description Location
A list of active workers' compensation accounts and their premium range, retro status and contact information.
A list of active workers' compensation accounts, their experience factor, and information on premium and employee range by risk class.
Workers' comp injury data.

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2018 News Archives

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Leadership Team

“Keep Washington safe and working”

L&I’s mission is to “keep Washington safe and working.” The agency administers a number of critical programs including the state’s workers’ compensation system and its occupational safety and health program.

L&I's various and diverse programs are led by a group of hard-working professionals and subject matter experts known as the department's Leadership Team. In addition to leading their own programs on a day-to-day basis, this group works together to determine future direction and policies for the entire organization. In essence, they are L&I's brain trust.


Joel Sacks

Joel Sacks, Director

Joel Sacks was appointed Director of the Department of Labor & Industries (L&I) in January, 2013 by Governor Jay Inslee, making him one of 3 ex-officio members serving on the Washington State Investment Board (WSIB). He is the vice-chair of the WSIB Committee and a member of the Private Markets, Audit, and Administrative Committees.

Previously, Joel worked at the state Employment Security Department for nearly 8 years serving as Deputy Commissioner and Assistant Commissioner for the Budget, Policy, and Communications Division.

Prior to joining Employment Security, Joel was Deputy Director of Field Services at L&I. He also served 4 years at the Occupational Safety and Health Administration in the U.S. Department of Labor.

Joel holds a bachelor’s degree in political science from Haverford College and a master’s degree in public administration from Syracuse University’s Maxwell School of Public Affairs.  He lives in Olympia with his wife and two daughters.

Elizabeth Smith

Elizabeth (Liz) Smith, Deputy Director

Elizabeth Smith was appointed as Deputy Director in March 2018. She previously served as Assistant Director for L&I;’s Fraud Prevention & Labor Standards division. Liz’s other positions at L&I; include program manager for the Worker’s Comp Fraud Prevention and Compliance program, the Employment Standards program, and the L&I; Office of Apprenticeship.

Prior to joining L&I; in 2004, Liz worked as legislative staff for the California State Senate. Liz graduated from Western Washington University, and completed a post-graduate Public Affairs Leadership Fellowship through the Coro Foundation.

Randi Warick

Randi Warick, Deputy Director for Financial Management

Randi Warick was appointed the deputy director of Financial Management at L&I in 2013.

Prior to working for L&I, Randi served as the assistant commissioner for the Budget, Performance and Research Division at the Employment Security Department.

During her 28-year career of state service, Randi has held senior leadership roles for 6 other state agencies, including the Department of Corrections and the Office of Financial Management.

Randi and her husband enjoy spending time outdoors and have 2 children, both of whom are in college.

Assistant Directors

  • Kim Contris, Assistant Director for Web & Communication Services.
  • Billie Wright, Assistant Director for Human Resources.
  • Tammy Fellin, Legislative Director for the Government Affairs & Policy Division.
  • Steve Reinmuth, Assistant Director for Administrative Services.
  • Jennifer Myers, Director of the Office of Internal Audit.
  • Vickie Kennedy, Assistant Director for Insurance Services.
  • David Marty, Assistant Director for Information Services.
  • Maggie Leland, Assistant Director for the Governmental Affairs & Policy Division.
  • Nathan Petty, Director of Lean for the Lean Transformation Office.
  • David Puente, Assistant Director for Field Services & Public Safety.
  • Annette Taylor, Assistant Director for Fraud Prevention & Labor Standards.
  • Anne Soiza, Assistant Director for the Division of Occupational Safety & Health.

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