
The Office of Regional Operations (ORO) provides support and guidance for the regional implementation of ACF strategic initiatives. The goal of these initiatives is to develop and sustain public-private partnerships that support ACF objectives for the efficient and effective delivery of human services to improve outcomes for vulnerable and low-income children, youth and families served through our programs.

ORO has prioritized two cross-program initiatives:

  • Increasing family economic mobility, school readiness, and reducing intergenerational poverty
  • Preventing and ending youth and family homelessness.

ORO is working in partnership with ACF Program Offices to implement these initiatives across the country.


  • Preventing Family & Youth Homelessness

    ACF has prioritized the goal of preventing and ending family and youth homelessness for vulnerable and low-income populations being served across its programs and 10 regional offices.

  • Family Economic Mobility

    ACF is focusing on creating opportunities and addressing the needs of both vulnerable children and their parents together to help break the cycle of poverty. Innovative state and local efforts are underway to help families achieve economic stability, upward mobility, and healthy child development.

Last Reviewed: March 20, 2017

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