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Key Performance Indicators

The President’s Management Agenda identifies cross-agency priority (CAP) goals to target those areas where multiple agencies must collaborate to effect change and report progress in a manner the public can easily track. Below are some of the key indicators that will be used to measure how different goals are performing.

(Updated Q4 2018)
CAP Goal: IT Modernization

See CAP Goal | View Dashboard | Download Data

Category Management
(Updated Q4 2018)
CAP Goal: Category Management

Category Management
See CAP Goal | View the PDF

Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey
(Updated Q4 2018)
CAP Goal: Workforce for the 21st Century

Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey
See CAP Goal | View Dashboard | Download Data

Customer Satisfaction Scores
(Updated Q3 2018)
CAP Goal: Sharing Quality Services

Customer Satisfaction Scores
See CAP Goal | View Dashboard | Download Data

Cash Loss to the Government
(Updated Q1 2018)
CAP Goal: Getting Payments Right

Cash Loss to the Government
See CAP Goal | View Dashboard | Download Data

Cloud Email Adoption
(Updated Q4 2018)
CAP Goal: IT Modernization

Cloud Email Adoption
See CAP Goal | View Dashboard | Download Data