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Community Reinvestment Act (CRA)

The Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 (CRA) provides a framework for financial institutions, state and local governments, and community organizations to jointly promote banking services to all members of a community. In a nutshell, the CRA

  • Prohibits redlining (denying or increasing the cost of banking to residents of racially defined neighborhoods), and
  • Encourages efforts to meet the credit needs of all community members, including residents of low- and moderate-income neighborhoods.

For more information, see:

Database Search

CRA Database Search: Ratings and Performance Evaluations
Search national bank CRA ratings and performance evaluations and get lists of banks examined for CRA compliance.

Note: CRA ratings and performance evaluations published by the former Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS) prior to July 21, 2011 are also available in the CRA Performance Evaluations search application.

CRA Ratings and Performance Evaluations by Month and Year

See CRA ratings and performance evaluations by month and year.

Handbooks, Procedures and Guidance


Examination Schedule
Get a list of banks scheduled for CRA examination in the next quarter.

Banks Operating Under Strategic Plans
Get a list of national banks operating under approved CRA strategic plans and a reference to the authorizing regulation.

Wholesale and Limited Purpose Banks
Get a list of banks designated as wholesale or limited purpose, definitions for these terms, and a reference to the authorizing regulation.

Interagency Questions and Answers
Get help interpreting the meaning and requirements of CRA from the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council.

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
Learn how to submit or check on a FOIA request to the OCC and search documents.

How to Obtain Public Information about Banks
Get resources for information on national banks, savings and loans, state-charted banks, bank holding companies, credit unions, and savings and loans.

Related News and Issuances
Publish DateIdentifierTitle
01/07/2019  OCC 2019-1, Community Reinvestment Act Regulations: Revision of Small and Intermediate Small Bank and Savings Association Asset Thresholds
01/03/2019  NR 2019-2, OCC Releases CRA Evaluations for 31 National Banks and Federal Savings Associations
12/20/2018  NR 2018-139, Agencies Release Annual CRA Asset-Size Threshold Adjustments for Small and Intermediate Small Institutions