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United States Department of Defense United States Department of Defense


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Defense Secretary Ash Carter

Carter Praises Outgoing Army Chief at Change-of-Responsibility CeremonyThis story contains video.

Speaking at a ceremony in Arlington, Va., Defense Secretary Ash Carter said the efforts of outgoing Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno helped shape the Army into a powerful fighting force of the future. Video | Photos | Speech

President Barack Obama

President Proclaims Employer Support of Guard, Reserve Week

President Barack Obama called upon all Americans to join him “in expressing our heartfelt thanks to the members of the National Guard and Reserve and their civilian employers” as he proclaimed National Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve Week. Story

U.S., Turkey Finalizing Details of Anti-ISIL Efforts

The United States and Turkey are finalizing details of Turkey’s recently announced participation in the air campaign against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant in Syria, a U.S. Central Command spokesman said. Story | Special

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Defense Secretary Ash Carter prepares to depart Joint Base Andrews, Md., Aug. 15, 2015, to attend a memorial ceremony in Chattanooga, Tenn., to honor the sailor and four Marines killed July 16, 2015. DoD photo by U.S. Air Force Master Sgt. Adrian Cadiz

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The Department of Defense has ordered a comprehensive review of DoD laboratory procedures, processes, and protocols associated with inactivating spore-forming anthrax.Defense Secretary Ash Carter is kicking off a national discussion on building The president authorized U.S. Central Command to conduct targeted airstrikes to protect U.S. personnel in Iraq. He also authorized a humanitarian effort to save thousands of Iraqi civilians on Mount Sinjar from the threat posed by Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) terrorists. The Department of Defense cyber strategy guides the development of DoD's cyber forces and seeks to strengthen cyber defense and cyber deterrence posture. It focuses on building cyber capabilities and organizations for DoD's three primary cyber missions.Defense Secretary Ash Carter seeks to strengthen and modernize alliances in the Asia-Pacific region as a priority for 21st century defense and sustaining U.S. global leadership.Given today's globalized access to knowledge and the rapid pace of technology development, innovation, speed, and agility have taken on a greater importance. The Department of Defense serves as an innovative leader in developing technology to protect Americans and troops – on and off the battlefield.The Defense Department is taking a stand against sexual assault in the military in an effort to maintain the well-being of U.S. service members and their families. Check out’s special coverage, which includes information about resources dedicated to preventing and appropriately responding to this crime.Defense Secretary Ash Carter travels to Israel, Saudi Arabia and Jordan during a weeklong trip to discuss security concerns, including preventing terror attacks and the ongoing fight against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is traveling, and made an unannounced trip to Baghdad and Kabul, Afghanistan where he met with leaders and service members to discuss progress in the ongoing fight against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.One person has the power to teach resilience, recognize warning signs, intervene, chat, or make a call; it only takes one person or one act to save another person's life. The Department of Defense, in collaboration with the Department of Veterans Affairs, has launched the The DoD Warrior Games 2015 will feature eight sporting events with approximately 200 athletes representing teams from the Army, Navy Marine Corps, Air Force and U.S. Special Operations Command. Adaptive sports and athletic reconditioning activities play a fundamental role in the recovery, rehabilitation and reintegration of our service members. The events of the DoD Warrior Games 2015 embody the spirit of the members of the U.S. Armed Forces, and celebrate the triumphs, personal courage and inspirational attitude of our wounded, ill and injured service members.The president, vice president, Defense Department and military leaders deliver messages of hope, encouragement and guidance to the class of 2015. Check out's Special Report: Commencements 2015 to read about their speeches, view photographs and watch videos from the ceremonies. During the month of June, the Defense Department joins the nation in celebrating Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender, or LGBT, Pride Month. During this time, the department recognizes lesbian, gay and bisexual service members and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender civilians for their dedicated service to both the DoD mission and to our nation.The president’s fiscal year 2016 budget request of $534 billion protects America today, while positioning the U.S. military to face the threats of tomorrow. The budget funds ongoing strategic priorities including the rebalance to the Asia-Pacific and sustaining a global approach to countering violent extremists.The nation's top defense leaders are urging Congress to move now to prevent major, across-the-board spending cuts that are scheduled to take effect Oct 1, 2015.Traumatic brain injury is one of the invisible wounds of war and one of the signature injuries of troops wounded in Afghanistan and Iraq. This special report highlights the Defense Department's efforts to care for wounded warriors suffering from this condition while promoting research to improve diagnosis and treatment.


Face of Defense

Air Force Chief Master Sgt. Tracey House Air Force Senior NCO Celebrates Career

Air Force Chief Master Sgt. Tracey House said she has come a long way during her 26-year military career since her high school days in her hometown of Medford, New Jersey. Story

Focus on the Forces

Coast Guard Rear Adm. Kevin E. Lunday Service Members Celebrate Coast Guard’s Birthday at Cybercom

The Coast Guard element at U.S. Cyber Command headquarters celebrated the service's 225th birthday during a ceremony led by Coast Guard Rear Adm. Kevin E. Lunday, Cybercom's director of training and exercises. Story

Military Children

RianSimone Harris 2015 Military Youth of the Year Award Recipient Announced

The 2015 Military Youth of the Year honor, presented jointly by the Defense Department and Boys and Girls Clubs of America, was awarded to an 18-year-old military daughter from Vogelweh, Germany, during a ceremony held at the Navy Memorial Naval Heritage Center. Story | Special

Military Health

Researchers to Gather for Defense Department Military Medical Symposium

A defense medical research leader spoke about an upcoming symposium focused on military medical research, outlining five key concepts: Discover, deliver and develop for force protection and readiness. Story | Special


DoD Conservation Challenge Winners Protect Military Base Environments

Military installations and their partners in three states have won an annual Defense Department challenge created to protect critical military test, training and operational missions while supporting nearby ecosystems. Story

Twitter Activity

.@PentagonPresSec announces auth of voluntary departure of family of U.S. personnel @ Incirlik/Turkish consulate
The @USNavy's @Gipper_76 becomes the latest forward-deployed aircraft carrier in the #AsiaPacific region. #Rebalance
#EOD techs are the @USArmy preeminent explosives experts. Precision is key & costs are high.
"Our legacy will be how well we preserve the peace given as a gift from these hallowed decks" Adm. Swift #WWII
"It's about mourning the civilians of all nations, whose passing is all the more poignant in light of their innocence." Adm. Swift, #VJDay
"It's a day of reverence, commemorating the millions of departed and surviving veterans of WWII." Adm. Swift #VJDay
70th Anniversary Commemoration Ceremony of #VJDay marking the end of #WWII aboard the battleship USS Missouri @PACOM
RT @DeptVetAffairs: 70 yrs ago, these Veterans celebrated #VJDay. Today, they remember #WWII's end at the @WWIIMemorial. #HonoringVets http…
70 years ago, #WWII ended. 5 things you may not know about the end of WWII. #VJDay #VJDay70
Thank you for your questions during the #AskSecDef Worldwide Troop Talk today. You can rewatch the troop talk here:
"To stay the best, we must keep our focus on our greatest strength - our people" -#SecDef at @AmericanLegion
"Having the best people, maintaining the best technology & executing best strategy needs longterm budget certainty" #SecDef @AmericanLegion
#SecDef at @AmericanLegion: To date, we’ve trained more than 12,000 Iraqis; we need more. #ISIL's defeat is certain but it will take time
"Vietnam vets weren't given the recognition they deserved. We can't reverse that wrong, but we can learn from it" -#SecDef @AmericanLegion
#SecDef: To every person here who proudly called themselves soldier, sailor, airman or Marine & now call themselves Legionnaire, thank you.
Who is your favorite US President? #SecDef- well you should say the man who hired you, right? I'll go with George Washington #AskSecDef


Military’s Shift Toward Renewable Energy
Military’s Shift Toward Renewable Energy The Defense Department's moves to improve energy efficiency are not only good for the planet but have become an operational imperative.   More
Black Dart Helps DoD Stay Ahead of Malicious Drone Use
Black Dart Helps DoD Stay Ahead of Malicious Drone Use A live-fly, live-fire demonstration brought together government, industry and four military branches to assess and improve counter-Unmanned Aircraft Systems technologies.   More
Back-to-School Tools for Military Families
Back-to-School Tools for Military Families For a military family, back to school can include a host of challenges, such as deployment or learning how to register your child in a new school in a new community.   More

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