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Knowledge Services

About Knowledge Services

Knowledge Services at NAL focus on the activities involved in acquiring, managing, curating, and preserving agricultural research data in service of the library's mission to increase access to agricultural information...

What are Knowledge Services?

Knowledge Services at NAL encompass a range of activities related to the management, curation, and preservation of scientific data. The library's Knowledge Services team works to provide access, archiving, and preservation services for scientific research data, which includes value added curation services (data quality assurance and quality control, transformation, and visualization).

In addition to the projects focused on specific use cases for data management, library staff are working to develop a robust data curation infrastructure to guide future development of scientific data management and preservation activities at NAL.

Data Management Resources

The National Agricultural Library provides guidance on data management for Agricultural Research Service employees as well as the broader agricultural research community. Across the research lifecycle, there are actions which can be taken by scientists, data managers, library staff, and data users which contribute to effective and sustainable data management.

Here is a list of resources from USDA, land grant universities, and scientific communities which provide guidance on various aspects of Data Management:

Knowledge Services Glossary

Terms which inform KSD's work in the fields of research data curation and digital preservation.