Archive weekly and monthly coal production — revised and original estimates

About coal production revision estimates

EIA revises its weekly (and monthly) original estimates of state level coal production using quarterly mine level coal production data from the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) as soon as the data are available. This method guarantees that EIA's revised coal production estimates for each past quarter conform with the MSHA survey data. The state level revised estimates include refuse coal.

EIA uses this equation to revise its weekly coal production estimates:

Revised weekly estimate (state A) =
MSHA quarterly data (state A) x Total number of U.S. railcar loadings of coal in a week ÷
Total number of U.S. railcar loadings of coal for all weeks in a quarter

Note: All weeks reported in the tables end on a Saturday. The estimates for the first and last weeks in a year include estimated coal production only for the days that occurred in the year.

Revised estimates
year weekly monthly
2018 XLS XLS
2017 XLS XLS
2016 XLS XLS
2015 XLS XLS
2014 XLS XLS
2013 XLS XLS
2012 XLS XLS
2011 XLS XLS
2010 XLS XLS
2009 XLS XLS
2008 XLS XLS
2007 XLS XLS
2006 XLS XLS
2005 XLS XLS
2004 XLS XLS
2003 XLS XLS
2002 XLS XLS
2001 XLS XLS
2000 XLS XLS
1999 XLS XLS
1998 XLS XLS
1997 XLS XLS
1996 XLS XLS
1995 XLS XLS
1994 XLS XLS
1993 XLS XLS
1992 XLS XLS
1991 XLS XLS
1990 XLS XLS
1989 XLS XLS
1988 XLS XLS
1987 XLS XLS
1986 XLS XLS
1985 XLS XLS
1984 XLS XLS
Original estimates*
year weekly monthly
2019 XLS
2018 XLS XLS
2017 XLS XLS
2016 XLS XLS
2015 XLS XLS
2014 XLS XLS
2013 XLS XLS
2012 XLS XLS
2011 XLS XLS
2010 XLS XLS
2009 XLS XLS
2008 XLS XLS
2007 XLS XLS
2006 XLS XLS
2005 XLS XLS
2004 XLS XLS
2003 XLS XLS
2002 XLS XLS
*Tables contain only EIA original estimates, unrevised.