National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Reports

Tools for measuring healthcare quality, including the National Healthcare Disparities and Quality Reports, AHRQ Quality Indicators, and ambulatory clinical performance measures.

For the 15th year in a row, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) has reported on healthcare quality and disparities. The National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report presents trends for measures related to access to care, affordable care, care coordination, effective treatment, healthy living, patient safety, and person-centered care. The report presents, in chart form, the latest available findings on quality of and access to healthcare, as well as disparities related to race and ethnicity, income, and other social determinants of health.

Latest National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report and Chartbooks

Previous Chartbooks

Previous Reports


Page last reviewed December 2018
Page originally created May 2013
Internet Citation: National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Reports. Content last reviewed December 2018. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.