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  • AEO (Annual Energy Outlook) (44)
  • AEO2011 (5)
  • AEO2012 (9)
  • AEO2013 (4)
  • AEO2014 (9)
  • AEO2015 (0)
  • AEO2016 (9)
  • AEO2017 (0)
  • AEO2018 (2)
  • Africa (2)
  • Alabama (1)
  • Alaska (2)
  • Argentina (0)
  • Arizona (3)
  • Arkansas (2)
  • Australia (0)
  • Bakken (0)
  • Barnett (0)
  • Belgium (0)
  • Brazil (4)
  • Brent (1)
  • CAB (Country Analysis Brief) (2)
  • CAFE (Corporate Average Fuel Economy) (1)
  • CBECS (Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey) (3)
  • CO2 (carbon dioxide) (57)
  • California (83)
  • Canada (15)
  • China (7)
  • Colombia (0)
  • Colorado (3)
  • Congressional & other requests (37)
  • Connecticut (8)
  • Cushing (0)
  • District of Columbia (0)
  • EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) (15)
  • Eagle Ford (0)
  • East Coast (0)
  • Energy Star (0)
  • Europe (4)
  • Florida (13)
  • Georgia (5)
  • Gulf Coast (5)
  • Gulf of Mexico (3)
  • HGL (hydrocarbon gas liquid) (16)
  • Hawaii (10)
  • Haynesville (0)
  • Henry Hub (1)
  • IEO (International Energy Outlook) (12)
  • ISO (independent system operator) (26)
  • Illinois (9)
  • India (7)
  • Indiana (1)
  • Iowa (2)
  • Iran (2)
  • Iraq (0)
  • Italy (0)
  • Japan (7)
  • Kansas (1)
  • Kuwait (0)
  • LCFS (low carbon fuel standard) (0)
  • LNG (liquefied natural gas) (7)
  • Libya (0)
  • Louisiana (2)
  • MECS (Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey) (0)
  • Maine (3)
  • Marcellus (2)
  • Massachusetts (17)
  • Mexico (8)
  • Michigan (0)
  • Mid-Atlantic (3)
  • Midwest (7)
  • Mississippi (0)
  • N2O (nitrous oxide) (0)
  • NEMS (National Energy Modeling System) (8)
  • NERC (North American Electric Reliability Corporation) (12)
  • NOx (nitrogen oxides) (3)
  • NRC (Nuclear Regulatory Commission) (7)
  • Netherlands (0)
  • Nevada (2)
  • New England (28)
  • New Jersey (9)
  • New Mexico (1)
  • New York (26)
  • Nigeria (0)
  • Niobrara (0)
  • North Dakota (2)
  • Northeast (4)
  • Northwest (15)
  • Norway (0)
  • OECD (3)
  • OPEC (2)
  • Ohio (11)
  • Oklahoma (2)
  • Oregon (22)
  • PADD 1 (0)
  • PADD 2 (0)
  • PADD 3 (0)
  • PADD 4 (0)
  • PADD 5 (0)
  • Pennsylvania (13)
  • Permian (0)
  • Qatar (0)
  • RBOB (0)
  • RECS (Residential Energy Consumption Survey) (13)
  • RFS (renewable fuel standards) (4)
  • RIN (0)
  • RPS (Renewable Portfolio Standards) (13)
  • RTO (regional transmission organization) (39)
  • Rockies (0)
  • Russia (2)
  • SO2 (sulfur dioxide) (8)
  • SPR (Strategic Petroleum Reserve) (0)
  • STEO (Short-Term Energy Outlook) (30)
  • Saudi Arabia (2)
  • South Dakota (1)
  • South Korea (0)
  • Southwest (1)
  • Syria (0)
  • Tennessee (1)
  • Texas (47)
  • Today in Energy (0)
  • United Kingdom (3)
  • United States (24)
  • Utah (1)
  • Utica (0)
  • Venezuela (0)
  • Vermont (4)
  • WEPS (World Energy Projection System) (1)
  • WTI (West Texas Intermediate) (3)
  • Washington (22)
  • West Coast (3)
  • West Virginia (2)
  • Wyoming (5)
  • air transportation (0)
  • all fuel sources (9)
  • all states (4)
  • alternative fuels (70)
  • annual (23)
  • appliance standards (4)
  • biofuels (10)
  • biomass (26)
  • buildings (7)
  • capacity (72)
  • capacity factor (18)
  • coal (191)
  • commercial (43)
  • consumption/demand (171)
  • costs (33)
  • crack spread (0)
  • crude oil (18)
  • daily (594)
  • demand response (8)
  • diesel (2)
  • disruption (13)
  • distillate fuel (8)
  • distribution (13)
  • drilling (0)
  • efficiency (27)
  • electric generation (94)
  • electric power grid (6)
  • electricity (859)
  • electricity generating fuel mix (53)
  • emissions (69)
  • energy efficiency (13)
  • environment (82)
  • equipment (0)
  • ethane (0)
  • ethanol (2)
  • exploration (1)
  • exports/imports (102)
  • financial markets (18)
  • fleet (0)
  • forecasts/projections (122)
  • futures (3)
  • gasoline (10)
  • generating capacity (185)
  • generation (411)
  • geothermal (24)
  • greenhouse gases (31)
  • heating oil (17)
  • hydroelectric (98)
  • industrial (44)
  • international (58)
  • inventories/stocks (47)
  • jet fuel (0)
  • lighting (6)
  • liquid fuels (44)
  • maintenance (3)
  • manufacturing (4)
  • map (14)
  • marine transportation (4)
  • marketing (0)
  • methane (0)
  • mining (3)
  • model documentation (35)
  • monthly (14)
  • most popular (31)
  • natural gas (243)
  • net metering (7)
  • non-OECD (2)
  • non-OPEC (2)
  • nuclear (117)
  • offshore (3)
  • oil sands (0)
  • oil/petroleum (91)
  • outages (34)
  • petroleum coke (2)
  • petroleum product supplied (1)
  • petroleum products (2)
  • pipelines (16)
  • policy (34)
  • power plants (70)
  • prices (142)
  • production/supply (33)
  • propane (18)
  • quadrennial (0)
  • quarterly (2)
  • rail (12)
  • recurring report (8)
  • refineries (1)
  • refinery capacity (2)
  • refining (4)
  • regulation (13)
  • renewables (193)
  • reserves (5)
  • residential (66)
  • residual fuel oil (0)
  • resources (5)
  • retirements (26)
  • revenue (33)
  • rig count (0)
  • sales (25)
  • shale (0)
  • smart grid (10)
  • solar (100)
  • spot prices (11)
  • standards (11)
  • states (229)
  • storage (20)
  • storage capacity (2)
  • taxes (3)
  • testimony (0)
  • tight oil (0)
  • tight sands (0)
  • total energy (20)
  • transmission (43)
  • transportation (33)
  • uranium (2)
  • utility (28)
  • vehicles (4)
  • waste-to-energy (7)
  • weather (111)
  • weekly (1)
  • wells (0)
  • wholesale power (43)
  • wholesale prices (47)
  • wind (102)
  • wood (18)