Health and Nutrition
  • SCAPS Payments Login?
    • The South Carolina Application Processing System (SCAPS) is a user-friendly web-based software solution that provides administrators, state users, and SFAs with efficient and immediate access to applications, claims, and related nutrition program functions. Key system features include:
    •   A software system that manages information regarding SFAs, applications, claims, and reports.
    •   A single integrated database which serves all child nutrition programs:
      • ·         National School Lunch Program (NSLP)
      • ·         School Breakfast Program (SBP)
      • ·         Special Milk Program (SMP)
      • ·         After School Snack Program (ASSP)
      • ·         Seamless Summer Option (SSO)
      • ·         Food Distribution
      • ·         Fresh Fruit and Vegetables
    •  The ability to save partially completed forms on-line, allowing the user to complete the process at a later time.
    •  Individual User IDs and passwords for secure login to program functions and accurate tracking of user behavior.
    •  A robust security module that streamlines security setting controls by enabling administrators to easily assign users to numerous pre-defined groups and eliminating the need to manually set each user's security access.
  • KPI (Key Performance Indicators) Login?
    • The Key Performance Indicator (KPI)  Management Reporting System provides access to SFA’s operating data relating to costs, participation rates and other operating metrics.  Management of these reporting metrics will enhance SFA’s ability to provide nutritionally satisfying, cost effective meals to as many students as possible.  For additional assistance, please reach out to your Educations Associate.