District and County Operations

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A great governmental public health organization striving toward continuous quality improvement, mutual purpose, effective processes and meaningful evaluation with a focus on using health information to prevent disease and protect health. 


Provide leadership, guidance and support which enables Districts to:

  • Address local public health issues;
  • Provide local public health services; and
  • Maximize efficiency and effectiveness.

Welcome to the Georgia Department of Public Health District and County Operations.  The Division of District and County Operations was created to support a strong emphasis on public health at the local level with the Director serving as the chief liaison to the county boards of health through their directors on matters related to the operations and programmatic responsibilities of such county boards of health [O.C.G.A. § 31-2A-15(a)(2)].

This Division’s primary roles is to represent the Districts on policy and practice issues that impact local public health and to collaborate with Districts, State and others to achieve the Public Health mission within a shared governance organizational structure.  The liaison role involves providing leadership, facilitating communication, fostering collaboration and assuring that the Commissioner’s priorities are met and the local public health perspective is represented.

Division activities include serving on the Executive leadership Team, keeping the Commissioner apprised of t District issues enhance understanding, rapport and trust between the Districts and State Offices, facilitating the review of policy and practice issues, coordinating the recollection and sharing of best practices and coordinating the evaluation of changes impacting local Public Health.