Related Links

American Academy of Pediatrics
This site features news topics from the AAP, information about seminars, publications, and current pediatric issues.

CDC's National Immunization Program
Contains dozens of links to immunization-related topics organized for healthcare professionals, parents, and the media.

CDC's Vaccines for Children
This program buys vaccines for children in certain groups who can't afford to buy vaccines. The website provides links for parents, providers, and state immunization projects.

Epidemiology & Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases
("Pink Book")

This site provides information about how to order this comprehensive book; also available at this site are pdf files of each chapter of the book, plus the appendix, and PowerPoint slide sets on 20 different vaccine-preventable disease topics.

Every Child By Two
This is a campaign for early immunization organized by Roslyn Carter and Betty Bumpers. The site links to sources of information on immunization legislation, immunization information by state, and other policy and legal issues concerning immunizations.

Adult Immunization Coalition
This site promotes better adult health and increased immunization rates. It provides links to Medicare immunization information, patient education, and topical information on common adult vaccines such as influenza and pneumococcal vaccines.

Immunize Georgia Newsletter
Immunize Georgia provides support for childhood, adolescent and adult immunizations by partnering with the Georgia Department of Public Health and organizations throughout the state. Immunize Georgia offers healthcare providers up-to-date information and recommendations about immunizations, and distributes educational materials to parents.

Immunization Action Coalition
A premier source of childhood, adolescent, and adult immunization information and educational materials. All materials are camera-ready and copyright free.

National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID)
This organization seeks to educate the public and healthcare professionals about the causes, treatment, and prevention of infectious diseases. The site also contains several links to immunization information.

The Vaccine Page
Provides access to up-to-the-minute news about vaccines and an annotated database of vaccine resources on the Internet.

Vaccine Education Center at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
A resource for linking to numerous sites concerning vaccine safety, vaccines for special groups, and the common concerns about vaccines.

Immunization News from the Georgia Chapter of the AAP

What's New from the GA Academy of Family Physicians




Page Last Updated 06/29/18