TB Related Links

American Lung Association (ALA)

American Lung Association Southeast Region

American Public Health Association

Cure TB , a referral program provided by the County of San Diego for TB patients and their contacts who travel between the United States and Mexico

Georgia Public Health Association

Georgia Public Health Laboratory

International Union Against Tuberculosis & Lung Disease (IUATLD)

Migrant Clinicians' Network (TB Net) , a multinational TB patient tracking and referral project designed to work with mobile, underserved populations

National Institute of Occupational Health & Safety (NIOSH)  and workplace safety as it relates to Tuberculosis

National Jewish Medical and Research Center

National TB Controllers Association (NTCA)

Occupational, Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and Tuberculosis

Referral System for Binational TB Patients Pilot Project , a collaborative effort between CDC and the National Tuberculosis Program in Mexico to improve continuity of care for TB patients migrating across the border

State TB Control Offices

Stop TB Partnership

US Immigration and Customs Enforcement

World Health Organization (WHO)