Teddy Bear Sticker Program

The goal of the Teddy Bear Sticker Program is to document serious injuries prevented and potential lives saved as a result of the statewide Child Passenger Safety Mini-Grant. The Teddy Bear Sticker Program is a great way to help a family that has been involved in a motor vehicle crash. Through the TBS Program, we also:

  • Replace state-funded child safety seats that have been involved in a crash
  • Provide injury prevention related incentive items to the reporting agencies

If you have any questions regarding the Teddy Bear Sticker Program, please do not hesitate to contact the COSP team at 404-679-0500 or injury@dph.ga.gov.

Please find additional information and the Teddy Bear Sticker Reporting form.

Teddy Bear Sticker Program Memo

Teddy Bear Sticker Program Information Form







Page last updated 4/4/2017