NIAID Organization

Office of the Director

The Office of the Director (OD) provides scientific leadership, policy guidance, and overall operational and administrative coordination for the Institute.

Extramural Divisions

Three research divisions at NIAID direct and manage grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements that support research at external academic and research institutions (known as extramural research):

  1. Division of AIDS (DAIDS)
  2. Division of Allergy, Immunology, and Transplantation (DAIT)
  3. Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (DMID)

A fourth extramural division, the Division of Extramural Activities (DEA), oversees policy and management activities related to funding grants and contracts, manages the NIAID research training program, and conducts initial peer review for grants and contracts that address an Institute-specific need or focus.

Intramural Divisions

Three NIAID research divisions conduct studies and clinical investigations within NIAID laboratories (known as intramural research):

  1. Division of Clinical Research (DCR)
  2. Division of Intramural Research (DIR)
  3. Vaccine Research Center (VRC)


Content last reviewed on November 10, 2015