National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research (NCMRR)

Through basic, translational, and clinical research, NCMRR aims to foster development of scientific knowledge needed to enhance the health, productivity, independence, and quality of life of people with physical disabilities.

The NCMRR supports research on the following topics: pathophysiology and management of chronically injured nervous and musculoskeletal systems (including stroke, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, and orthopedic conditions); repair and recovery of motor and cognitive function; functional plasticity, adaptation, and windows of opportunity for rehabilitative interventions; rehabilitative strategies involving pharmaceutical, stimulation, and neuroengineering approaches, exercise, motor training, and behavioral modifications; pediatric rehabilitation; secondary conditions associated with chronic disabilities; improved diagnosis, assessment, and outcome measures; and development of orthotics, prosthetics, and other assistive technologies and devices.

The Center's National Advisory Board on Medical Rehabilitation Research meets twice a year to discuss NCMRR's portfolio and research directions. Parts of the meetings are open to the public and minutes and other related information is available.

NCMRR also led the development of the NIH Plan on Rehabilitation Research (PDF - 443 KB) plan for the conduct, support, and coordination of medical rehabilitation research across NIH.

To receive email updates from NCMRR, including funding opportunities, notices, meetings, and job opportunities, subscribe to the NCMRR Rehabilitation Research newsletter. 

NCMRR Partners


Learn about the organizations and other agencies that NCMRR works with to advance research and care.

NCMRR NIH Partners

NIH Plan on Rehabilitation Research

Read the trans-NIH plan on current activities, needs and opportunities, and priorities for rehabilitation research.


Selected NICHD Research Advances of 2018

NCMRR-Related NICHD News

Learn more about NICHD's Small Business Research Programs.

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