2018 National Seasonal Preparedness Calendar graphic with timeline of months
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2018 National Seasonal Preparedness Messaging Calendar

The 2018 National Seasonal Preparedness Messaging Calendar & key messages provides you with content to promote preparedness all year. While FEMA suggests the below content to promote, please feel free to adapt topics to your local area and use this calendar as a guide only.


Download the Ready 2018 National Seasonal Preparedness Messaging Calendar (PDF)













Key Messages

General Preparedness

  • Make a family emergency communication plan, include pets.
  • Identify an out of town emergency contact to coordinate information with family/friends.
  • Get to know neighbors and check on them during emergencies.
  • Keep copies of important documents in a secure place (digital or waterproof location).
  • Build or restock your emergency preparedness kit, include a flashlight, batteries, cash, and first aid supplies.
  • Create a rainy day emergency savings fund and keep cash on hand for emergencies.
  • Download the FEMA App and set up local alerts.
  • Listen to local officials by radio, TV, or social media and take action.

Financial Preparedness

  • Plan for out-of-pocket expenses for lodging, food, gas and more.
  • Review your insurance policies and update your coverage if necessary.
  • Be prepared for the cost of deductibles for insurance and medical co-pays.
  • Complete an Emergency Financial First Aid Kit at Ready.gov.

Life Safety Skills

  • Practice preparedness plans with a drill or exercise.
  • Take Until Help Arrives training and a first aid class to be able to help until first responders arrive.
  • Know how to shut off utilities where you live.
  • Know all emergency exits where you live, work and often visit.


  • Never drive or walk through flooded streets; Turn Around, Don’t Drown.
  • Check your flood insurance policy to ensure you have appropriate coverage.

Fire Safety

  • Install smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors in your home and test them monthly.
  • Know two ways out of every room in your home.
  • Create a home fire escape plan; practice it at least twice a year.
  • Identify a meeting place outside your home for your family or anyone you live with.
  • Don’t Wait, Check the Date – Replace Smoke Alarms Every 10 Years.

Power Outage

  • Have alternative charging devices for phones or anything that requires power.  
  • Generators should always be used outside the home.  Carbon monoxide poisoning can occur when a generator is not working or vented properly.  


  • Practice “Drop, Cover and Hold On.”
  • Anchor loose items to a secure wall in your home.
  • Text, don’t call.


Winter Storm and Extreme Cold

  • Stay off the road during/after a storm.
  • Extreme cold can be deadly. Stay inside where it is warm and bring pets indoors.
  • Wear warm clothes in layers and change activities to stay safe.
  • Use heating devices (e.g., space heaters) safely.
  • Ensure you have a working carbon monoxide detector.

Holiday Safety

  • Prepare for unpredictable weather before traveling.
  • Water tree and turn off holiday lights overnight and when away to reduce risk of a fire.
  • Keep candles away from flammable items.  Use battery operated candles.
  • Shop securely online over the holidays.


Severe Weather

  • If ordered to evacuate, leave right away. Know the route and plan where to go.
  • Identify a safe location in your home, in case of tornado.


Extreme Heat

  • Extreme heat can be deadly. Stay inside where it is cool.
  • Wear cool clothes and change activities to stay safe.
  • Never leave children or pets in a car.

Wildfire Safety

  • Report a wildfire if you see one; you may be the first to see it.
  • Wildfires can kill. If ordered to evacuate, know the route and plan where to go.
  • Remove debris and flammable materials close to your home.


Children & Youth + Back to School

  • Help your children memorize emergency contacts or write them down in a secure place.
  • Know the emergency plan for your child’s school, college and child care facility.
  • Practice evacuation plans and other emergency procedures with children on a regular basis.