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Cardinal Innovations Healthcare Corrective Action Plan – Jan. 27, 2018
DHHS transitioned leadership and governance of Cardinal Innovations to a new board and to the Cardinal Innovations executive leadership team after developing a formal Corrective Action Plan that addresses issues at Cardinal that were identified in recent audits and oversight activities.

Training for Cardinal Innovations Board – Jan. 26, 2018
The NC Department of Health and Human Services and Cardinal Innovations Healthcare are providing a training session for new board members at 6:30 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 26, 2018. At this meeting, the Department and Cardinal Innovations will conduct a follow-up training session for the new board members.

Cardinal Innovations Board Meeting – Jan. 27, 2018
The NC Department of Health and Human Services and the Board of Directors of Cardinal Innovations Healthcare will conduct a meeting at 9 a.m. on Saturday, Jan. 27. DHHS intends to use this meeting to transfer governing and operational authority back to Cardinal Innovations Healthcare.

Cardinal Innovations Board Training
A day-long training session will be held on Jan. 6, 2018, for the new Cardinal Innovations Healthcare board. 

Cardinal Innovations Nominating Committee to Meet Thursday
DHHS and the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners will convene a meeting of the Nominating Committee for Cardinal Innovations with representatives from the 20 Cardinal counties at 9 a.m. on Thursday, Dec. 14.

Cardinal Innovations Board
DHHS and County Commissioners in the Cardinal catchment area will appoint new board members in compliance with the statutory requirements of N.C. G.S. 122C-118.1 by Dec. 15, 2017.

Proposed County Disengagement Rules
These rules describe the process the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services shall use to approve a request from a county to disengage from one LME-MCO and realign with another LME-MCO operating under a Medicaid waiver. These rules also identify the requirements that a county seeking approval to disengage from an LME-MCO must adhere to in submitting its request for approval to the Secretary.

Audit Information
The North Carolina Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services (DMH/DD/SAS) will conduct a review of LME-MCO compliance with specific elements related to the Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant (SAPTBG) and the Community Mental Health Services Block Grant (CMHSBG), state funded services, and fiscal monitoring and claims processing.

LME/MCO Directory
A directory listing the LME/MCOs in NC.

Reporting Requirements
Service Definitions

Provider Contracts

The combined DMA and DMH/DD/SAS Provider Contracts (Agency and LIP) and Appendices/Attachments should be used by the LME/MCOs. Per DMA Contract Section 7.8
Written Agreements, should another contract/appendix/attachment be used, it must be approved by DMA.