30 Years of Movies in 30 Days

Film poster for "Casablanca" (1942)Film poster for "Duck Soup" (1933) Film poster for "King Kong" (1933)

Over on our “Now See Hear!” blog, we’ve been featuring a special series of posts celebrating the 30th anniversary of our National Film Registry. Each year since 1989, the Librarian of Congress has selected 25 films of cultural, historic and/or aesthetic importance that showcase the range and diversity of American film heritage to increase awareness for its preservation. We think this is a great opportunity to share stories behind these important films, one for each year that we’ve been adding to the Registry.

Our “30 Years of the National Film Registry” series launched with “Casablanca” (1942), [link]  which entered the Registry in its inaugural year, 1989. “Duck Soup” (1933) followed in 1990, and “King Kong” (1933) in 1991. Each blog post includes an in-depth essay on the importance of each of these classic films and why they are deserving of preservation. We keep the ball rolling today with “Detour” (1945), which was selected for the Registry in 1992.

You can subscribe to the “Now See Hear!” blog and keep up with this list of classics as we work through the years each day up through December 12, when Librarian of Congress Carla Hayden will announce the next 25 films to join the National Film Registry.

Library Welcomes New Blog

“Copyright: Creativity at Work” is a new blog of the U.S. Copyright Office. Karyn Temple Claggett, the office’s acting Register of Copyrights, wrote the inaugural post, published today. The blog will introduce readers to the important work of the Copyright Office and its multitalented staff—many of whom have a personal stake as musicians, artists, and […]

World War I: On the Firing Line With the Germans (1915)

(The following post was written by Mike Mashon of the Motion Picture, Broadcasting and Recorded Sound Division and originally appeared on the Now See Hear! blog.) During the centenary observance of World War I, we’ve been prioritizing the preservation of films in our collection pertaining to the conflict. Foremost among these is a film called “On […]

King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand (1927-2016)

The following cross-post is written by Cait Miller and originally appeared on the In the Muse blog. The following post is co-written with Musical Instruments Curator Carol Lynn Ward-Bamford. Early yesterday morning the world learned of the death of Thailand’s King Bhumibol Adulyadej, crowned in 1946 and known as the world’s longest-reigning monarch. Born in […]

New Online: Walt Whitman, Heritage Months & Blogs

(The following is a guest post by William Kellum, manager in the Library’s Web Services Division.) DIGITIZED COLLECTIONS New online this month are two manuscript collections featuring the poet Walt Whitman. The Thomas Biggs Harned Collection of Walt Whitman papers consists of approximately 3,000 items spanning the period 1842-1937. Most of the items date from 1855, […]

Welcome to the Newest Blog, 4 Corners of the World

Today we welcome the newest member of the Library’s blogosphere: 4 Corners of the World. Dedicated to showcasing the international collections and studies at the Library of Congress, the blog will highlight important research resources and rare treasures from the Library’s four area studies divisions — African and Middle Eastern, Asian, European and Hispanic. The term “four corners” is used in many […]

New Blog Series: New Online

(The following is a guest post by William Kellum, manager in the Library’s Web Services Division.) This is the first post in a new monthly series highlighting new collections, items and presentations on the Library’s website. After checking out the items mentioned here, be sure to visit some of our other blogs that highlight our […]

A Whole New Blog

Today we welcome the newest member of the Library’s blog family. World’s Revealed: Geography & Maps at the Library of Congress will highlight cartographic objects from the Library’s collections that “sometimes go beyond what usually ends up in exhibits and in textbooks and bring to the forefront uncataloged objects that have never before been placed online.” The […]

National Book Festival Redux

“I cannot live without books,” Thomas Jefferson famously once said. The 15th National Book Festival last week provided evidence that plenty of others can’t, either. Thousands of book lovers descended on the Washington Convention Center on Saturday to see a record 170-plus authors and illustrators, pay tribute to America’s fighting men and women, explore the […]